Recently Adopted Puppies Near Hillsboro
Puppies born on June 11th will be ready on August 11th Parents on site. Mom is American rottweiler and Dad is Serbian rottweiler. 4 females 1 male. Puppies still have tailsView Detail
AKC Rottweilers for sale
8 week old rotti puppies. 1 female and 1 male left. Just got 1st vet shots. AKC registered. Beautiful puppies! Call xxx xxx xxx2 Hillsboro, OhioView Detail
AKC Rottweiler Puppies for Sale
AKC Rottweiler puppies for sale. I have 3 males and 1 female. They are vet approved. Puppies will be ready June 10, 2024.View Detail
Rottweiler puppies
Rottweiler puppies, have tails docked and dewclaws removed. They go for their 6 week shots on 5/2/24. We have 4 females and 3 males left. Hillsboro Ohio parents pictured if you have questions or would like more/individual photos text me xxxxxxxxxx or you can look up my Facebook xxxxView Detail
Staffordshire bull terrier pups
Staffordshire Bull terrier puppies for sale born 10/15/23 For sale males and females Shots and wormed Parents on premises Family raised Raisex around small children Rehoming fee on puctures Will not ship ! Text which pup your interested in (xxx)xxx-xxxx I will call you Asap (I work from home)View Detail
Staffordshire bull terrier pups
Staffordshire Bull terrier puppies for sale born 10/15/23 For sale males and females Shots and wormed Parents on premises Family raised Raisex around small children Rehoming fee on puctures Will not ship ! Text which pup your interested in (xxx)xxx-xxxx I will call you Asap (I work from home)View Detail
Beautiful Red Nose Puppies
I have beautiful full breed American Red Nose Pitbulls. Born December 23rd ready to go. Had first shots will need to be wormed again. I have papers on the dad I'm waiting on mother's papers so you will be able to register your puppy. I have more pictures and can take videos. I have individual pictures of each pup, the mom, the dad, and pictures of pups from my last litter. Can contact me at xxx xxx xxx9View Detail
4 beautiful white and blue pitbull and American bulldog mix puppies
We have 4 beautiful white and blue pitbull and American bulldog mix puppies for sale. They are 10wks old and have had the 6 way shots, dewormer and are crate trained. We have one female and three males. Call (xxx)xxx-xxxx for more information.View Detail
Aussie puppies
I have 4 aussie males up for discussion. They are all healthy, ayful and always ready for a new adventure. They are raised on a mini farm and are used to chickens and horses. Will make someone a great companion. They will have 1st shots and worming before they leave. Please call for more information xxx two zero five xxx0View Detail
Bernese mountain dog
Bernese mountain dog puppies ready now born dec 21st. Shots and Wormings upto date. Mom akc registered dad ckc registered puppies are not registered. 3 males 2 femalesView Detail
German Shepherd Puppies
German Shepherd puppies $500 each I have 4 males and 2 females left. Will be ready December 13th. Will have 6&8wk shots and wormed. Accepting $100 deposits to hold till ready. Located in Hillsboro Ohio xxxxxxxxxx Not registeredView Detail
Mothers a AKC French bulldog Father is a Pug Born 9/11/18 beautiful brindle male and fawn female.View Detail
AKC Doberman Stud
This is Damon. He is a three year old, black Doberman. Damon is AKC registered and comes from proven champion bloodlines. He is currently in the market for a new girlfriend! Damon has been tested for Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) and was clear. He has no history of it in his ancestry. He has undergone the CERF (eyes) and BAER (ears) exams. He is completely clear on both fronts. Damon’s personality is exemplary. He is very mild mannered and responds well to commands. He has sired two liters to date and they all have displayed like characteristics. The first litter that Damon sired had seven puppies. They were all black coated. The second litter were also all black and there were nine. Damon does not have any instances of any color but back in his known lineage. The pictures that I have posted are all of Damon, except for the three with the very young puppies. Those are there to show a few of the puppies he has sired. The picture of the two Dobermans are of him and his sister. The fourth picture is of Damon when he was younger. I have also posted some videos of Damon being silly with his sister and playing with my boyfriends small dogs. He is very gently with them and has never shown aggression other than roughhousing while playing in the yard. Damon’s stud fee is $400. This will be returned if the breeding does not take. Please drop me a message, call or text me, or email me if you have any questions at all about Damon. I have plenty more pictures and videos of both him and his litters. Thank you. Stephanie.View Detail
8 month old female Jackapoo
Abby is a8 month old jackapoo. This being said she barley sheds if any. She is a very happy dog that loves to run around constantly while being outside.. so she will require a fenced in yard. When she is in side she is very calm and loves to lay at your feet but also likes to have her own time. She is potty trained and update on all shots and worming. She loves kids and other dogs.. she loves to cuddle up with my German sheperd at Night in the crate. So she is a very loving dog and I want her to go to a good home.View Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Hillsboro
American Pit Bull Terrier, Australian Shepherd, Bernese Mountain Dog, Doberman Pinscher, French Bulldog, German Shepherd, Poodle, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Bull Terrier