Recently Adopted Puppies Near Houston County
Cream white Labrador Retriever Female Pup
This beautiful girl is going to be a really special lady. She has incredible pedigree and will read- ily accept training. She has a beautiful cream white coat and an adorable personality. Contact us immediately to secure this girl.View Detail
Gorgeous Yorkie Puppies
Gorgeous Yorkie Puppies!! 2 males. They are 7weeks old. One male will weigh around 6 to 7 pds. and the 2nd one will weigh around 4 pds. when grown. They were. One in October 28,2023. They will be ready to pickup starting December 18 thru December 24, 2023. They will have had first shots and wormed. Will have started house training puppies. Both parents are on premises. Dad is a Parti Yorkie and mother is a long haired silky Yorkie. Both parents weigh around 7 pounds.View Detail
Yellow English Labrador Retriever Female
Jill is a beautiful, docile English Labrador Retriever. She will make a beautiful family member. You won’t get tired of taking family pictures with this girl. Tremendous pedigree. Don’t let this pretty girl get away. Contact us immediatelyView Detail
Black English Labrador Retriever Male
Dak is one handsome Labraodor Retriever. He has the pedigree to readily accept training and will make a beautiful adult. Dak will make an ideal family member. Great opportunity to own a truly great one.View Detail
Long hair German shepherd
CASH AND PICK UP ONLY, !!!!!!!They are 9 weeks old they are ready for a new home the dad is a akc but when I buy him I never fill out the paperwork, plus it was more expensive, that’s why puppies don’t have akc papers and that’s why the price is cheap. I have only 3 leftView Detail
English Bred Yellow Labrador Pups
We both male and female yellow English bred Labrador pups available now. Pups are extremely well bred and will make gorgeous adults. Pups have tremendous pedigree and are priced right. AKC registered and health guarantee. Visit or contact us.View Detail
Long hair German shepherd
They are ready for a new home they 9 weeks old is 2 girls and 2 boys long hair like dad and mom and the grandpa was a akc register but not the puppies no akc register.View Detail
Gorgeous Yorkies
Have 2 male yorkies. They are black,brown and white. They were born October 27,2022. They will be ready December 17. They will weigh between 5 to 7 pounds. The mother is a long hair silky and dad is a black and white Parti. The puppies will have first shots, tails docked, wormed twice. They are use to noises,kids and other cats and dogs. Will have been started house training.View Detail
Lab puppy’s
M&W Labrador Retrievers Located near Crockett, Tx HRCH Maverick Top Gun Wingman Gardner JH x HR East Texas Echo of the Pines. We have 4 black males and 5 black females still available. The puppies were born on September 23rd 2022 and will be ready to go to their new homes in November! THEY WILL HAVE * AKC litter Registration * Dewormed * First sets of Shot Both parents are proven hunt test, hunting dogs, and great family pets! Both dogs also have very good pedigrees. SIRE: Maverick OFA Hips - good OFA Elbow- normal EIC- Clear CNM- Clear PRA- Clear Pedigree: DAM: Echo OFA Hips - Excellent OFA Elbow- normal EIC- Clear CNM- Clear PRA- Clear Pedigree: ***Please message me if you have any questions!View Detail
Male Yellow English Labrador Retriever Pup
We have numerous quality bred, male, English Labrador Retriever available now. If you are looking for a docile, easily trainable, blocky English Labrador pup or started pup contact us. Please visit for more information.View Detail
Female Yellow English Labrador Retriever
Andi is the sweetest of sweets. Looking for a beautiful, well bred, wonderful disposition, female English Labrador Retriever pup then contact us quickly. This girl is a real jewel. Visit for detailsView Detail
mxm, lady sybil is a beautiful english cream gxlden retriever. dad, snxxp is a standard pxxdle. we are excited abxut this first litter xf f1 gxldendxxdle puppies! they’re x weeks xld and will be akc registered. i have x white, x black and x tan/black. x male, 7 female. text me fxr mxre infx xr pictures/videx x x x x x x x x x xView Detail
Bichon frise puppies available
Lovely Bichon frise available for sale, 11 weeks old and healthy. Contact if interestedView Detail
Akc standard poodles
Akc standard poodles. Born on 8/12 Parents health tested embark OFAS Located in East TXView Detail
Cream White Labrador Retriever Male Pup
Check out Max, a beautiful English Labrador pup here at Cross G Farms. Pups are extremely well bred and will make gorgeous adults. Check pups out at or visit us on facebook and instagram.View Detail
Obedience Trained Cream White Labrador Retriever
Meg has been started in our training program. She is good on leash, sits and comes to her name. She is started with crate training and staying in place. Meg is extremely well bred and will be a very athletic English female. We believe Meg could also be used as a hunting companion as well.View Detail
Poodle Pups
4 girls 6 boys Akc standards Parents embark clear East texasView Detail
Gorgeous Yorkie Puppues
Have 1 female Yorkie puppy. They were born on April 5, 2022. The dad is a white and black Parti Yorkie and mom is a long hair silkie yorkie. Puppies will have tails docked, wormed and have had 1st shots. They are very lovable and are used other cats and dogs. You may contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxx for more info.View Detail
English Yellow Labrador Female
Jill is a gorgeous English bred, yellow Labrador Female with tremendous pedigree. Her momma has the sweetest nature and we have no reason to believe Jill will be any different. If you are looking for a older pup that will readily accept training Jill may be the answer. Contact us to discuss details about the beautiful female.View Detail
German Shepard Puppies
Pure breed German Shepard pups kid friendly and ready to go home with you !!! Born 2/2/22View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Houston County
Grapeland, Austonio, Lovelady, Crockett, Germany, Latexo
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Houston County
Bichon Frise, Basset Hound, Beagle, Bichonpoo, Boykin Spaniel, French Bulldog, German Shepherd, Goldendoodle, Labrador Retriever, Mixed, Pug, Poodle, Siberian Husky, YorkiePoo, Yorkshire Terrier, Standard Poodle