Recently Adopted Puppies Near Jeffersonville
Brittanypoo puppies
I have F1 Brittanypoo puppies(males and females) available. They are hypoallergenic and non shedding. The pups were born Dec.2 and will be up to date on vaccines and dewormings. They will have a health check with the veterinarian as well. These puppies are so smart and loving. The Dam of the litter is an AKC registered Brittany and has been genetic tested and is clear. The sire is an AKC registered poodle and has been genetic tested and clear. Contact me with any questions you may have.View Detail
Imperial Staffies
We have 6 Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies for sale. We have 3 males and 3 females. They are AKC registered and will be sold with limited registration. They were born on June 19, 2021 and will be ready to go to their new homes at 8 weeks of age. They will have their first shots & be dewormed. See posted pictures of all 6 puppies and their sire, Max and their dam, Lexi. For more info: Call us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or email xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxxView Detail
Cane Corso, Italian Mastiff
We have 3 males for sale. These pups are 6 weeks old, almost ready to go. They are AKC and ICCF registered. The price starts at $1200. Sire is blue out of Dream Team line and dame is blue out of Scandifio/Rivales Mojo lines. Very good lineage in these 2 lines, with lots of champions. A deposit will hold your pup until you pick it up. Tails have been docked and declaws removed. The will be up to date on vaccines and wormings.View Detail