Recently Adopted Puppies Near Kenockee Township
French bulldog puppy
Jaxson is a beautiful blue and tan frenchy puppy looking for his forever home! He will have all age appropriate shots and deworming. Both parents have been health tested and are 4 panel clear. He's a happy healthy puppy who loves to eat and play. If interested please call or txt xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Maltipoos ready to go xx-xx-xxxx
Maltipoos 2 girls 1 boy ready to go Nov 13, 2022 They will have side dewclaws done, first set vaccines, fully dewormed, several preventives, 72 hour guarantee for second opinion, health record, care instructions, and life time advice. pups are $1500 each deposit is $300 and comes off the total this can be made in person or by check but remaining amount is due on pick up day in person cash only. estimated adult weight 10-12lbs xxx-xxx-xxxx you can also find me on cc lynch group facebookView Detail
Miniature Poodle 7 month old
This is Ella she is & months old up to date on vaccines and Rabbi. She is crate trained, and partially house trained. Very playful, sweet, loving, great with children, and other dogs. She currently is 16lbs estimated adult weight 20lbs. She has been vet checked and fully dewormed. Side dewclaws were done and tail is docked. She is not fixed and has breeding rights. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
English bulldog pups
9 akc english bulldog pups for sale. Will be 8 weeks old sept 14th. 6 girls 3 boys. Raised in our home with constant human interaction. $2500.00 you can contact me at xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
maltipoo puppy ready to go now
Maltipoo puppies born July 11, 2022 ready to go now pup will have side dewclaws done, first set of vaccines, several deworming, preventive's, 72 hour guarantee for second opinion, health report, care instructions, food, pads, and life time advice. I have 24 years experience!!! and a long list of references!!!! check out cc lynch group on facebook!!! This litter comes from a AKC Champion line toy red poodle mommy weighs 10lbs, AKC Champion line toy white Maltese daddy weighs 12lbs. boy $1500 xxx-xxx-xxxx call or text only please do not messageView Detail
Maltipoo female
black and white and silver parti female Maltipoo estimated adult weight 15lbs ready to go around July 7th 72 hour guarantee for second opinion first set vaccines, fully dewormed, side dewclaws are done, care package, life time advice. No shipping cash and carry taking deposit to hold xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Maltipoo female
Maltipoo female "Cookie" estimated adult weight 15lbs comes with 72 hour guarantee for second opinion, first set of vaccines, fully dewormed, side dewclaws are done, care package, life time advice, health certificate. Ready to go July 2-7View Detail