Recently Adopted Puppies Near Laurel
Goldendoodle Puppies
⭐️⭐️SURPRISE!!! ⭐️⭐️Our female CKC registered goldendoodle was bred by our male CKC goldendoodle and on Tuesday 3/12/2024 she had 6 girls &1 boy!!!!! We will be taking deposits first for our babies to find their fur ever home and allowing you to pick a colored collar puppy out that you wish to claim as yours to take home just in time for Mothers Day!!!!View Detail
Best Friend Ever
These puppies are eligible for AKC registration but with a $200 fee. I will sell them for $600 without papers. Born Nov 19. Two silver females and 1 silver male. Tailed docked, dew claws removed. 2 sets of shots. We are not a kennel. We are pet owners whose pets love each other!View Detail
CKC registered Morkie
Bebe was born on January 5, 2022. She is a CLC registered 2lbs toy Morkie. She’s vey sweet and loves children. She’s not going to get any bigger. Her mom is 3 lbs Morkie and daddy is 3 lbs Yorkie. Please call xxxxxxxxxx for more infoView Detail
They will be ready to go on August 30th. They will be dewormed at 2, 4 and 6 weeks. And we'll have a first vaccinations at 6 weeks. Theor are some all black amd se black and tan!View Detail
They will be ready to go on September 16th. They will be dewormed at 2, 4 and 6 weeks. And will have a first vaccinations at 6 weeks.View Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Laurel
Boston Terrier, German Shepherd, Goldendoodle, Morkie, Pomeranian, Smooth Haired Weimaraner