Recently Adopted Puppies Near Le Sueur County
German Shepherd puppies
Pups were born June 8th. Currently there is 1 female available. Pup is ready to go to her forever home so we will need 675.00 total to havexher join your family. Located in xxxx. They will have their 1st set of shots and will be dewormed. Ruby is their momma and we are so proud of her. She is doing great. The puos will not be registered. The father is akc registered but Ruby is not. She is however, the 5th generation of the same bloodline going back to her great great great grandmother. Ready to leave August 2nd. is a good way to communicateView Detail
German Shepard/ vizsla puppies
We have 8 adorable German Shepard/ Vizsla puppies. 3 female and 5 males. We have tri colors and solid black. They are incredibly smart very active. They are around other dogs and kids. They are nine week old and ready to go. Please give us a call and come meet them!View Detail
Belgian Malinois / Sheprador
I have 7 puppies from a litter of 8 (I am keeping 1), they were born on November 3rd, 2022. They have been eating dry puppy food since 5 weeks of age. These should be 80-100+ lb. Dogs when full grown, I own the mom (sheprador), and my daughter owns the Belgian Malinois. These are all growing at a tremendous rate,and are full of energy. I have 1 female pic 1 and 2 I have 1 female pic 3 and 4 I have 1 female pic 5 and 6 I have 1 male pic 7 and 8 I have 1 male pic 9 and 10 I have 1 male pic 10 and 11 I have 1 female pic 12 and 13 Pic 14 and 15 is the stud Pic 16 is the mom Last pic is pool pictureView Detail
Black Lab Male
We have a5 1/2 month old black lab puppy. He is fully house trained and loves to play. We are moving and do not have the yard space that he needs to run and be happy.View Detail
French bulldog
4 female french bulldog puppies ready for a forever pet home on May,14th 2022. Puppy will be de wormed, dew claws removed, health check and up to date on shots. call/text/facetime xxx-xxx-xxxx for more pictures,videos and info.View Detail
Golden Retriever
I have a gorgeous pair of Golden Retriever Boys both are Cream .... crate trained, house training almost done, obedience well on its way and socialized beyond belief .... raised in my home with kids both are 5 months old price listed is for each of them and that is pet no breeding but we do offer breeding for additional and can meet or deliver depending on location ....View Detail
Toy Fox Puppies Available
Toy Fox Terrier Puppies. Small, intelligent dogs. AKC registered. Parents health tested. Good family dogs. Like to play and cuddle. https://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxView Detail
German Shepherd pups
Litter born May 28th. She had 7 pups. 5 males and 2 females. We have 3 males and 2 females available. We are taking deposits of 175.00 with the balance of 500.00 due when pup is picked up. We do not ship our pups. They will have their 1st set of shots and will be dewormed. They are not registered. Both parents have great easy going dispositions. Email me at if interested. thanksView Detail
German shepherd puppies
I have 1 male and 3 female German shepherd puppies. Dad was long hair pure breed with papers. Mom is short hair with no papers. Family raised and around kids everyday.View Detail
Toy Fox Terrier Puppies - Males
One Male Toy Fox Terrier puppy born December 4, 2020. Small family dogs. Versatile. Love to play and go for walks and also love to cuddle. Ready for his new home the end of January 2021. Will be vet checked and have first shots. AKC Registered.View Detail
Toy Fox Terrier Pups Available
Small family dogs. Tri-color and tan and white. AKC registered. Smart and loyal. Love to play and love to cuddle. Parents health tested. Email: / www.xxxxxxxx.comView Detail
Jinx male F2 with perfect markings and beautiful double blue eyes Detail
Teacup Yorkie Puppiess for sale .(xxx) xxx-xxx3
10 1/2 wks old. Champion lines and nice quality. Will not hold, will not take less, will not take payments, will not send video or extra pictures (due to scammers) etc. and it's a first come first serve basis. If you are a no show the first time, it proves you are not the right home that I want my puppy to go to and I will move to the next person best suited for the puppy. I am looking for owners who are very educated on the breed, have a stable income and enough responsibility to care for the puppy as needed; by providing a loving home, with both inside and outside activities, regular vet care, quality food and training as necessary. texts please, from 7 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. Reasonable rehoming fee to cover cost of vaccinations and worming.I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is Black , in some lighting it looks brown. they have bright blue eyes. they already have their first set of shots (will give you original copy of her shots), will have their groomed before you take her home as a bonus! Very calm, playful when initiated to play, loves to take long walks, very good with other animals (we have dogs and cats). She's a real eye catcher! She always gets compliments when we take her out for a walk. The re-homing fee is. Both raised indoors, around 2 adults and kids, other Yorkies, and one curious dog. Diet is currently Iams Dry Yorkie Food. Unfortunately I relocated my new house landlord doesn't want us to keep them . They are very friendly, cuddly, and loving. Would really like to try and adopt out together as they're very close to each other but, would be willing to separate if need be. Small rehoming fee.. is requested. They are potty trained. They are very playful and great with kids , cats and other animals I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is black and white , in some lighting it looks. they have beautiful blue eyes. they are already on first set of shots (will give you original copy of their shots), will have them groomed before you take them home as a bonus! For more information, pictures, or if you have any questions, please Email......Also 250 for 1 and 450 for twoView Detail
Teacup Yorkie Puppiess for sale .(xxx) xxx-xxx3
1 © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap (google map) 10 1/2 wks old. Champion lines and nice quality. Will not hold, will not take less, will not take payments, will not send video or extra pictures (due to scammers) etc. and it's a first come first serve basis. If you are a no show the first time, it proves you are not the right home that I want my puppy to go to and I will move to the next person best suited for the puppy. I am looking for owners who are very educated on the breed, have a stable income and enough responsibility to care for the puppy as needed; by providing a loving home, with both inside and outside activities, regular vet care, quality food and training as necessary. texts please, from 7 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. Reasonable rehoming fee to cover cost of vaccinations and worming.I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is Black , in some lighting it looks brown. they have bright blue eyes. they already have their first set of shots (will give you original copy of her shots), will have their groomed before you take her home as a bonus! Very calm, playful when initiated to play, loves to take long walks, very good with other animals (we have dogs and cats). She's a real eye catcher! She always gets compliments when we take her out for a walk. The re-homing fee is. Both raised indoors, around 2 adults and kids, other Yorkies, and one curious dog. Diet is currently Iams Dry Yorkie Food. Unfortunately I relocated my new house landlord doesn't want us to keep them . They are very friendly, cuddly, and loving. Would really like to try and adopt out together as they're very close to each other but, would be willing to separate if need be. Small rehoming fee.. is requested. They are potty trained. They are very playful and great with kids , cats and other animals I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is black and white , in some lighting it looks. they have beautiful blue eyes. they are already on first set of shots (will give you original copy of their shots), will have them groomed before you take them home as a bonus! For more information, pictures, or if you have any questions, please Email......Also 250 for 1 and 450 for twoView Detail
Teacup Yorkie
10 1/2 wks old. Champion lines and nice quality. Will not hold, will not take less, will not take payments, will not send video or extra pictures (due to scammers) etc. and it's a first come first serve basis. If you are a no show the first time, it proves you are not the right home that I want my puppy to go to and I will move to the next person best suited for the puppy. I am looking for owners who are very educated on the breed, have a stable income and enough responsibility to care for the puppy as needed; by providing a loving home, with both inside and outside activities, regular vet care, quality food and training as necessary. texts please, from 7 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. Reasonable rehoming fee to cover cost of vaccinations and worming.I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is Black , in some lighting it looks brown. they have bright blue eyes. they already have their first set of shots (will give you original copy of her shots), will have their groomed before you take her home as a bonus! Very calm, playful when initiated to play, loves to take long walks, very good with other animals (we have dogs and cats). She's a real eye catcher! She always gets compliments when we take her out for a walk. The re-homing fee is. Both raised indoors, around 2 adults and kids, other Yorkies, and one curious dog. Diet is currently Iams Dry Yorkie Food. Unfortunately I relocated my new house landlord doesn't want us to keep them . They are very friendly, cuddly, and loving. Would really like to try and adopt out together as they're very close to each other but, would be willing to separate if need be. Small rehoming fee.. is requested. They are potty trained. They are very playful and great with kids , cats and other animals I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is black and white , in some lighting it looks. they have beautiful blue eyes. they are already on first set of shots (will give you original copy of their shots), will have them groomed before you take them home as a bonus! For more information, pictures, or if you have any questions, please Email......Also 250 for 1 and 450 for twoView Detail
Teacup Yorkie
10 1/2 wks old. Champion lines and nice quality. Will not hold, will not take less, will not take payments, will not send video or extra pictures (due to scammers) etc. and it's a first come first serve basis. If you are a no show the first time, it proves you are not the right home that I want my puppy to go to and I will move to the next person best suited for the puppy. I am looking for owners who are very educated on the breed, have a stable income and enough responsibility to care for the puppy as needed; by providing a loving home, with both inside and outside activities, regular vet care, quality food and training as necessary. texts please, from 7 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. Reasonable rehoming fee to cover cost of vaccinations and worming.I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is Black , in some lighting it looks brown. they have bright blue eyes. they already have their first set of shots (will give you original copy of her shots), will have their groomed before you take her home as a bonus! Very calm, playful when initiated to play, loves to take long walks, very good with other animals (we have dogs and cats). She's a real eye catcher! She always gets compliments when we take her out for a walk. The re-homing fee is. Both raised indoors, around 2 adults and kids, other Yorkies, and one curious dog. Diet is currently Iams Dry Yorkie Food. Unfortunately I relocated my new house landlord doesn't want us to keep them . They are very friendly, cuddly, and loving. Would really like to try and adopt out together as they're very close to each other but, would be willing to separate if need be. Small rehoming fee.. is requested. They are potty trained. They are very playful and great with kids , cats and other animals I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is black and white , in some lighting it looks. they have beautiful blue eyes. they are already on first set of shots (will give you original copy of their shots), will have them groomed before you take them home as a bonus! For more information, pictures, or if you have any questions, please Email......Also 250 for 1 and 450 for twoView Detail
Teacup Yorkie Puppiess for sale .(xxx) xxx-xxx3
1 © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap (google map) 10 1/2 wks old. Champion lines and nice quality. Will not hold, will not take less, will not take payments, will not send video or extra pictures (due to scammers) etc. and it's a first come first serve basis. If you are a no show the first time, it proves you are not the right home that I want my puppy to go to and I will move to the next person best suited for the puppy. I am looking for owners who are very educated on the breed, have a stable income and enough responsibility to care for the puppy as needed; by providing a loving home, with both inside and outside activities, regular vet care, quality food and training as necessary. texts please, from 7 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. Reasonable rehoming fee to cover cost of vaccinations and worming.I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is Black , in some lighting it looks brown. they have bright blue eyes. they already have their first set of shots (will give you original copy of her shots), will have their groomed before you take her home as a bonus! Very calm, playful when initiated to play, loves to take long walks, very good with other animals (we have dogs and cats). She's a real eye catcher! She always gets compliments when we take her out for a walk. The re-homing fee is. Both raised indoors, around 2 adults and kids, other Yorkies, and one curious dog. Diet is currently Iams Dry Yorkie Food. Unfortunately I relocated my new house landlord doesn't want us to keep them . They are very friendly, cuddly, and loving. Would really like to try and adopt out together as they're very close to each other but, would be willing to separate if need be. Small rehoming fee.. is requested. They are potty trained. They are very playful and great with kids , cats and other animals I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is black and white , in some lighting it looks. they have beautiful blue eyes. they are already on first set of shots (will give you original copy of their shots), will have them groomed before you take them home as a bonus! For more information, pictures, or if you have any questions, please Email......Also 250 for 1 and 450 for twoView Detail
Teacup Yorkie Puppiess for sale .(xxx) xxx-xxx3
1 © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap (google map) 10 1/2 wks old. Champion lines and nice quality. Will not hold, will not take less, will not take payments, will not send video or extra pictures (due to scammers) etc. and it's a first come first serve basis. If you are a no show the first time, it proves you are not the right home that I want my puppy to go to and I will move to the next person best suited for the puppy. I am looking for owners who are very educated on the breed, have a stable income and enough responsibility to care for the puppy as needed; by providing a loving home, with both inside and outside activities, regular vet care, quality food and training as necessary. texts please, from 7 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. Reasonable rehoming fee to cover cost of vaccinations and worming.I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is Black , in some lighting it looks brown. they have bright blue eyes. they already have their first set of shots (will give you original copy of her shots), will have their groomed before you take her home as a bonus! Very calm, playful when initiated to play, loves to take long walks, very good with other animals (we have dogs and cats). She's a real eye catcher! She always gets compliments when we take her out for a walk. The re-homing fee is. Both raised indoors, around 2 adults and kids, other Yorkies, and one curious dog. Diet is currently Iams Dry Yorkie Food. Unfortunately I relocated my new house landlord doesn't want us to keep them . They are very friendly, cuddly, and loving. Would really like to try and adopt out together as they're very close to each other but, would be willing to separate if need be. Small rehoming fee.. is requested. They are potty trained. They are very playful and great with kids , cats and other animals I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is black and white , in some lighting it looks. they have beautiful blue eyes. they are already on first set of shots (will give you original copy of their shots), will have them groomed before you take them home as a bonus! For more information, pictures, or if you have any questions, please Email......Also 250 for 1 and 450 for twoView Detail
Teacup Yorkie
10 1/2 wks old. Champion lines and nice quality. Will not hold, will not take less, will not take payments, will not send video or extra pictures (due to scammers) etc. and it's a first come first serve basis. If you are a no show the first time, it proves you are not the right home that I want my puppy to go to and I will move to the next person best suited for the puppy. I am looking for owners who are very educated on the breed, have a stable income and enough responsibility to care for the puppy as needed; by providing a loving home, with both inside and outside activities, regular vet care, quality food and training as necessary. texts please, from 7 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. Reasonable rehoming fee to cover cost of vaccinations and worming.I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is Black , in some lighting it looks brown. they have bright blue eyes. they already have their first set of shots (will give you original copy of her shots), will have their groomed before you take her home as a bonus! Very calm, playful when initiated to play, loves to take long walks, very good with other animals (we have dogs and cats). She's a real eye catcher! She always gets compliments when we take her out for a walk. The re-homing fee is. Both raised indoors, around 2 adults and kids, other Yorkies, and one curious dog. Diet is currently Iams Dry Yorkie Food. Unfortunately I relocated my new house landlord doesn't want us to keep them . They are very friendly, cuddly, and loving. Would really like to try and adopt out together as they're very close to each other but, would be willing to separate if need be. Small rehoming fee.. is requested. They are potty trained. They are very playful and great with kids , cats and other animals I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is black and white , in some lighting it looks. they have beautiful blue eyes. they are already on first set of shots (will give you original copy of their shots), will have them groomed before you take them home as a bonus! For more information, pictures, or if you have any questions, please Email......Also 250 for 1 and 450 for twoView Detail
Teacup Yorkie Puppiess for sale .(xxx) xxx-xxx3
1 © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap (google map) 10 1/2 wks old. Champion lines and nice quality. Will not hold, will not take less, will not take payments, will not send video or extra pictures (due to scammers) etc. and it's a first come first serve basis. If you are a no show the first time, it proves you are not the right home that I want my puppy to go to and I will move to the next person best suited for the puppy. I am looking for owners who are very educated on the breed, have a stable income and enough responsibility to care for the puppy as needed; by providing a loving home, with both inside and outside activities, regular vet care, quality food and training as necessary. texts please, from 7 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. Reasonable rehoming fee to cover cost of vaccinations and worming.I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is Black , in some lighting it looks brown. they have bright blue eyes. they already have their first set of shots (will give you original copy of her shots), will have their groomed before you take her home as a bonus! Very calm, playful when initiated to play, loves to take long walks, very good with other animals (we have dogs and cats). She's a real eye catcher! She always gets compliments when we take her out for a walk. The re-homing fee is. Both raised indoors, around 2 adults and kids, other Yorkies, and one curious dog. Diet is currently Iams Dry Yorkie Food. Unfortunately I relocated my new house landlord doesn't want us to keep them . They are very friendly, cuddly, and loving. Would really like to try and adopt out together as they're very close to each other but, would be willing to separate if need be. Small rehoming fee.. is requested. They are potty trained. They are very playful and great with kids , cats and other animals I'm re-homing our 3 month old male and Female Yorkie Puppies , their fur is black and white , in some lighting it looks. they have beautiful blue eyes. they are already on first set of shots (will give you original copy of their shots), will have them groomed before you take them home as a bonus! For more information, pictures, or if you have any questions, please Email......Also 250 for 1 and 450 for twoView Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Le Sueur County
Elysian, Kasota, Cleveland Township, Waterville Township, Montgomery, Kasota Township, Kilkenny
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Le Sueur County
Akbash Dog, Alangu Mastiff, Alaskan Husky, Alaunt, American Bulldog, American Eskimo Dog, American Mastiff, American Staghound, Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie, Affenpinscher, Aidi, Alano Espanol, Alaskan Klee Kai, Alopekis, American Cocker Spaniel, American Foxhound, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Water Spaniel, Azawakh, Afghan Hound, Airedale Terrier