Recently Adopted Puppies Near Lewistown
Presa Canario pup
7 month old female presa Canario puppy. She is the last of the litter to go, so there's a price drop. Registered pedigree papers and extra lineage paperwork that shows the family bloodline, which is impressive. She is trained to sit, stay, come, and drop. Very large girl, she is strong and already protecting the property. Loveable, needs a dominate master. Pictures of parents to show the size of the breedView Detail
We have a well socialized litter of traditional xxxx puppies in xxxx. We have 2 males and 4 females. Puppies will have a health check and vaccinations by our vet. The parents are companions and help us move our livestock efficiently. These puppies will be great for people who enjoy the outdoors and are looking for a dog who will be easy to train and able to keep up with. The role of thumb with this breed is... Give them a job and a hobby and you will have a great dog. Message me if you would like to see their parents doing what they love to do. xxxx on Facebook.View Detail
Presa Canario Puppies
16 week old presa canario pups, large breed, only 2 left, updated on shots, ears cropped, registered pedigree papers and extra lineage paperwork to show generations of bloodline. Completely trained to use the bathroom outside. They sit, give paw, come, stay and drop on command. All you have to do is love them and they will protect you, your family and property. Can video call so you can meet them and their parents. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Pug puppies ready for 4 ever home.
We have 4 female pugs ready for rehoming. We house both the mama and papa pug in our home. We provide lots of love. We are asking $800. Vaxed and dewormed 11 weeks.View Detail
ACA Basset Hound Puppies
The sweet babies were born on April 24th. They are searching for their forever home. The are ACA registered. Will come with first set of vaccinations as well as a health screening performed by veterinarian at 6weeks of age. They are/will continue to be well socialized with adults as well as children. Mom is a sweet girl that is wonderful with kids and very laid back and loving! Message me if you have any questions!View Detail