Recently Adopted Puppies Near Lincoln
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppies
Beautiful, 12 week old, purebred, male, Blenheim (chestnut and white), Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy looking for his forever home. His mother Maggie weighs 27 lbs, and his father George weighs 22 lbs. The parents aren't registered, so the puppy can't be registered. Paprika was born and raised in my living room and has my constant attention. He is a healthy, playful, snuggly puppy. Paprika has been examined by a licensed veterinarian twice, been wormed 5 times, and had his first and second vaccines. He comes with a written one-year health guarantee against genetic defects, and his vet/ worming record. Paprika also brings with him a 4.5 lb bag of Orijen puppy food, a few new familiar toys and a small blanket with his family's scent on it to comfort him in his new home. If you are interested in my precious puppy call or text Colleen at xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail