Recently Adopted Puppies Near Lindale
Frenchie fluffy carriers
Kilroy Frenchies has 4 females and 2 males born on 4/28/2023. All carry cream and l1. Sired by Golden Nugget, 3x King Kong. I can be reached at or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Mini Dachshund Puppies for sale!
I have two short haired males and one long haired female available for adoption!❤️View Detail
AKC Registered Boxer Pups
Daisy had her very first litter on July 5th 2022. 4 girls and 3 boys. She is very proud of them and took to motherhood right away. She loves to clean and cuddle her babies a ton. Daisy & Duke are both full blooded AKC Registered Boxers and on site, owned by me. Daisy is a2 yr old American Boxer with 1/4 European and Duke is a 1yr old European Boxer. They made some beautiful little babies who took after daddy. They are quite big and their markings are adorable. Her 1st born is now weighing in at 4lbs! Daisy is now starting to give her pups more alone time and allowing visitors to handle them more often. With that being said, we are now taking deposits upon visitation when you come to pick out your furever family pet! Your pet will be completely up to date on shots and worming, dewclaws removed and tails docked. We prefer not to let them go prior to 10 weeks old (but can make exceptions) as this will allow us enough time to socialize your puppy, have them eating solid foods and used to potty training. Puppies will be going home with their pre registered AKC paperwork when its time for them to leave mommy. If you'd like, when you have chosen you furever companion, I will gladly send you some updated pictures each week until pick up date. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message me. I would be happy to answer.View Detail
Ukc registered
Ukc registered beagle puppies males and females first shots and wormed 4 different litters 7 weeks to 10 weeks old 500.each located in Lindale Texas 75771 7miles north of interstate 20, 25miles north of Tyler, 100miles west of Shreveport, 100miles east of Dallas my number xxx xxx xxx9View Detail
Blue heelers
5 male blue heeler puppies are ready to go.They are 7 weeks old, weaned, dewormed. Very health, playful, and adorable. Parents are on site and are full blood blue heelers.View Detail
Red merle puppies
2 red merle female Australian Shepard puppies $1,000 obo 3 red merle male Australian Shepard puppies $900 obo And 3 red tri male Australian Shepard puppies $800 obo Located in Lindale Texas but I can deliver for a fee Call or text me at xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
2 year old black lab
My 2 year old black lab has been a blessing to me and my family, but unfortunately I’m not going to be able to have a home for him anymore. He is the most loving dog I have ever seen. Great with family friends, and children. I would much rather find a good home for him , rather than give him to a animal control center. If anyone is interested, please give me a call @ (xxx) xxx-xxx9View Detail
Great Pyranees 7 months old
Needing to rehome my great Pyranees puppy. She is sweet lioving and current on all shots. She is 7 months old. Registered and microchipped. Needs a good home with a yard she can run and play in. I don’t have a fenced yard and she is getting out and I am afraid she is going to get ran over. She is good with other dogs please call me xxxxxxxxxx serious inquires only.View Detail
100000 Charles Dr
Sired by DSK's Apollo, these babies were born May 1 2017 and are ready for their forever homes. Up to date on all shots and worming, and vet checked several times, due claws removed and tails docked. Super healthy and happy babies!! Babies will be ABKC registered and mom has champion bloodlines on her dad's side. We have 3 girls left of our litter of eight. Please feel free to contact me for any information you may need. I love to talk about my babies!! I can also send videos and more pictures at your request.View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Lindale
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Lindale
Austrailian Blue Heeler, Australian Shepherd, Beagle, Boxer, French Bulldog, Great Pyrenees, Labrador Retriever, Miniature Dachshund, Old English Bulldog