Recently Adopted Puppies Near Lindsay
English Bulldog Puppies for sale
5 left out of 17, (2 litters) 1 female Merle TRI, 13 wks. Old, 2 males both Merle Tri's, 1 is 13 wks. The other is 11 wks. Old, 1 male is a chocolate/White Merle TRI, he is 11 wks. and 1 male is blue/White and is also 11 wks old. They all are sweet and playful, love it outside, gets along beautifully with my older dogs. They all come with AKC Registration papers and up to date on vaccine's,comes with vet checked paper work. Please call/text for further info, price's and photo' Detail
English Bulldog
I have 2 litters I am needing to re-home. 8 males and 2 females. They range from Merles, Tri's, Black/White's,Blue/White's. If interested please feel free to call or text for photo's.View Detail