Recently Adopted Puppies Near Madison County
Badger Chinese Crested Puppy
Badger is 11 weeks old. Currently weighing about 3lb. He is the sweetest lil guy. He loves everyone. He is being potty trained on puppy pads and outside. He has been started on his puppy vaccine series and dewormings. Local pickup.View Detail
Female Pomsky Puppy
Meet Fancy. Fancy is a toy sized pomky puppy. Est. Weight 6lbs. Full grown. She was born on June 17th 2023. She is very sweet and loves to explore and play. She has been around other small to medium breed dogs. She is utd on her vaccines and dewormings. She is also chipped. She is kennel trained when needed and runs around in circles by the front door when she has to potty.View Detail
Adorable boy Yorkie
Adorable boy tail docked dew claws removed dewormed every two wks up to date shots vet records registration papers puppy pack puppy pad trained health guaranteed well socialized mom and dad are DNA and health tested he has nice thick coat very soft very smart outing boy and he is ready now!!View Detail
Small yorkie boys
Small yorkie boys charting 4 lbs grown short body legs and short round face thick soft coat a lot of color.. tails docked dew claws removed dewormed every two wks up to date shots vet records registration papers puppy pack puppy pad trained health guaranteed well socialized mom and dad are DNA and health tested they are ready nowView Detail
Small Male Yorkies ready now
Beautiful male Yorkies a lot of color thick coats short legs and body nice short round face… Up-to-date on shots deworming‘s… Genetic health guarantee… Vet records registration papers puppy pack puppy pad trained mom and dad are DNA and health tested .. Dad is parti color mom is traditional color 12 wks oldView Detail
White German Shepherd female
Beautiful white German Shepherd female 11 wks old up to date shots dewormings registration papers vet records mom and dad are dna and health tested doing great with potty tracing she is ready to go now 1400View Detail
Sheltie Puppies for sale
2 males and 1 female. AKC registered. All are happy, healthy, and playful.View Detail
AKC puppies
We have 2 males and 1 female. They are the sweetest pups. They have had their first round of vaccines and will be ready to go home on August 7thView Detail
Shihtzu puppies
Hello I have available 3 females 1 male 1 black white girl *promised* yellow 1 black white girl pink 1 brown and white girl hot pink 1 red brindle tiny girl rainbow 1 black white boy promised * blue 1 black boy orange Puppies will be registered vet checked age appropriate shots multiple dewormings done also go home with a care pack Age-appropriate toys , treats , food sample little blanket with mommas smell other additional items Go home date July 15th If Interested please call or text xxxxxxxxxx. Thank youView Detail
American Bully Puppies
ABKC Registered Tricolor in many different variations available! Big heads and sturdy built! Mild mannered. Parents in home and pictures provided. 8 weeks soon and ready for new homes! Come get these beautiful babies! Willing to meet within an hour of Columbus Ohio!View Detail
Blue Merle & Tri Sheltie Puppies
AKC Blue Merle and Tri Shelties, born 5/2/23. No health concerns, we own both parents (bi blue and tri). Pups can go to their forever home at 8weeks. They will be up to date on deworming and shots at time of pick up. We give a6 month health guarantee. Located near Columbus, OH— sorry we do not ship. Males and Females available. $1200-$1500 limitedView Detail
Boston Terrier
Born on 10/15/2022. He is not fixed, but he is pottytrained. He is kennel trained when im not home.and a night with no complaints. He is very smart, friendly and outgoing. He loves to play and loves everyone. Hes been around other dogs and cats. Im not rehoming him due to anything negative about him. Ive had some health issues and just cant keep up with his needs at this point in my life. He is chipped and has AKC papers.View Detail
AKC Male Boston Terrier
His name is Pluto. Hes 5 months old, pottytrained, kennel trained when needed. Hes chipped and hes very smart. playful, loving, and gets along with everyone. He will go to his new home with his akc paper that encludes his chip number and his vaccine record, harness, leash, toy, and food.View Detail
2 Standard Male Sheepadoodle puppy
They are 8 weeks old utd on their vaccines and dewormings. They are very playful and love everyone. They will go to their new homes with their vaccine records leash collar toy and food. Will meet in the safe exchange zone in my town for pick up.View Detail
Standard Female Sheepadoodle Puppy
Shes 8 weeks old utd on her vaccines and dewormings. She is very outgoing and loves everyone. She will go to her new home with her vaccine record leash collar toy and food. Will meet in the safe exchange zone in my town for pick up.View Detail
Standard Female Sheepadoodle Puppy
Shes 8 weeks old and ready for her new home. She is utd on her vaccines and dewormings. She will go to her new home with her vet record leash collar toy and food. She is very sweet and loves everybody. She is all white excepy for a black spot on above her eye and some back spots on her ears. Will meet in the safe exchange zone in my town for pick up.View Detail
Standard Sheepadoodle Puppies
Standard Sheepadoodle Puppies born on 1/31/23. They are ready for their new homes. They have been vet checked had their first puppy vaccine and deworming. They have already been introduced to pottying outside and wearing a collar. They will go to their new homes with their vet records food collar leash and a toy. They will be freshly bathed and have their nails trimmed when you pick them up. Located in Madison County Ohio.View Detail
AKC Boston Terrier
He's 5 months old, pottytrained, kennel trained when needed. He gets along good with other dogs, cats, kids, and other people. He's a very sweet, loving, and playful boy. He loves toys and sleeps all night. Hes chipped and will come with his vaccine record and his AKC paper that has his chip number on it.Pick up only as well as Serious Inquires Only Please.View Detail
Black lab & Beglian Malinois pups
Puppies will be eight weeks old this Sunday. Puppies will have received their first vaccinations before going to new home. Four boys and four girls available. Message me if interested please. I live in London, Ohio xxx-xxx-xxxx…MelanieView Detail
AKC sable sheltie for sale
We have a female sable Shetland sheep dog "sheltie" for sale she will be ready to go Christmas Eve to a loving familyView Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Madison County
London, Plain City, Pleasant Township, Stokes Township, Jefferson Township
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Madison County
Basset Hound, Boston Terrier, Cavapoo, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Chinese Crested Dog, Dogue De Bordeaux, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, Labrador Retriever, Mixed, Poodle, Rottweiler, Shih Tzu, Shetland Sheepdog, Yorkshire Terrier, American Bully, Pomsky, Bernedoodle, Irish Doodles