Recently Adopted Puppies Near Mamaroneck
Friendly and lovely Shih-Tzu puppies
Cachorros raza Shih Tzu provenientes de Asia. Son apreciados en la cultura china como perros guardianes. Se caracterizan por ser amigables, tranquilos y juguetones.Son de gran ayuda para disminuir el estres y la sensacion de soledadView Detail
Chiwennies for sale
They were born in Feb 7 and the most adorable puppies!! I love them to death I want them to be in great homes. They so playful and love attention. They good with kids and family. You’ll never get bored the mom is full dachshund and father is chihuahua. Any questions you can contact me on my email. if not message Facebook jeannsie Silva . Phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. Haven’t heard from me here text me cause this website makes me want to pay more ?View Detail
Gray 8 week with blue eyes
She is a Pit mix. Couldnt find the breed options for her on this website. She is 8 weeks on the 22nd of February. She has blue eyes, healthy and very friendly. PRICE NEGOTIABLE IF YOU PICK UP!View Detail
Puppy for sale
Had to move to a very small studio and pets are now allowed. This puppy is adorable, playful and a great guy. Have all his vaccinations up-to-date and the attached pictures was taken after the groomer cut his hair because it was recommended so he wouldn’t be so hot.View Detail
Adorable Morkie Needs a new home
Tan Morkie needs a new home.. adorable tan colored Morkie. Only 1 year 2 months old. Found out our son is allergic. Playful, clean, and obedient. Price is negotiable. Toys, bed, and about 1 month worth of food included. Up to date on vaccinations. Good with people and others dogs.View Detail