Recently Adopted Puppies Near Meigs Township
Designer Malti-Poms! Spunky, Loveable, and ready for a Furever home!
3 female 1 male Malti-Pom’s. They are intelligent and so loveable. Already puppy pad trained. Puppies will be available on 9/7/2023. First shots, vet checked, wormed. They were born on 7/16/2023. Mother is registered Pomeranian. Father is Maltipoo. Parents are 8lbs. Estimated puppy weight at or below 8 lbs. Easy to train, great with kids, and so cuddly. Please text @ xxxxxxxxxx. Email: Detail
Sage is a 15 week old Yorkie poo. She ways 3 lbs now, with a great disposition. She adapted well with my boxer. She doesn't bark after she is used to you, family, and other pets. She has been around a child with no problems. I really don't want to part with her, she was bought for company for my boxer when I wasn't home. So sad to lose her!View Detail
AKC Labrador Retriever
AKC Labrador Retriever puppies born 6/24/2019. 6 weeks old dewormed 2,4,6 and 8 weeks. Vet checked and 1st shots at 6 weeks. 4 chocolate females and 2 chocolate males $700.00 each 2 black females $500.00 POP pick up in Peebles OhioView Detail
Siberian husky pups
Located in Peebles, OH...first shots, and wormed several times...3 males, 2 females...text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Miniature Poodle Puppies
Gorgeous apricot and red poodle puppies. Loving, smart and friendly puppies looking for a forever home. Please call before they are all gone.View Detail
Purebred Husky Pups
Located in Peebles, OH. Will have first shots, wormed several times. 8 weeks of age on June 14th. $450 total...deposit of $150...$300 on pickup...not registeredView Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Meigs Township
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Meigs Township
Labrador Retriever, Miniature Poodle, Malti-Pom, Siberian Husky, YorkiePoo