Recently Adopted Puppies Near Milwaukie Expressway
Standard Poodle/Blue Heeler Cattle Dog
We have 3 (2 male, 1 female) Standard Poodle and Blue Heeler Cattle Dog mix puppies that are in need of loving forever homes. Puppies were 6 weeks old on 1/29. By 2/5 they will have their first round vaccines and de-worming. They have been given baths and have had their nails trimmed to get them used to it. We did not have a runt in the litter of 6, they were all born within 4oz of each other. They are healthy and are being socialized. Both mom and dad live here with the puppies. Mom is Standard Poodle. She 1 yr old and is 45lbs (a little underweight from before puppies) She stands 21" tall at her back and she is Blue. (She appears a faded black but her color will fade until she's 2yrs. to a silver color.) She was not socialized as she should have been so she's very shy of strangers. She loves other dogs and loves to run and leap at the dog park. Dad is Blue Heeler Cattle Dog and is 50lbs. He also stands 21" at his back. He has a natural stub tail but all three puppies available have tails. He is very attentive to the puppies and heards them around. He loves all other dogs and loves the water!! He will try to rescue you whether you need it or not! All 3 puppies are black with just a touch of white on their chests, feet and/or chins. I will post pics of the parents, them and video of the pack. (The other 3 in the litter are also here.) Pics are being cropped when I post and I can't fix it so pics aren't so good. Sorry.View Detail