Recently Adopted Puppies Near Mohawk
SuzyQs Precious pups
These beautiful little pomeranian puppy is 12 weeks old,he is full of character and beautiful,he is full of energy.he loves to tussle and play, loves his toy monkeyand to stand on his back legs.he is around kids and is socially ,is wormed ,updated on shots,had a wellness vet check up weighs 2lb.6oz and is in good health. he is registered CKC. will keep you posted on his growth,as well as pictures.he is ready for his new home. If interested please message delivery up to 200 miles, but further is extra cost.He is ready for his new homeView Detail
Beautiful siberian husky puppies
Beautiful husky puppies due April 25th will keep you posted and updated when they arrive if interested please check back with me and message me will take your name and number and let you know when they arriveView Detail
Adult female pomeranian
Hello I am Katrina I'm 9yrs old and will have my birthday July. I act alot younger then my age I love to walk on a leash run around, attention is my favorite,am very personal and will make an awesome friend and pet I'm sable color. Am up-to-date on shots and haved been wormed had dental work done but have had no health issues am healthy,love bananas and treats. If interested please message my owner.View Detail
SuzQ's precious pups
Registered CKC 9yr old female pomeranian very lovable and very energetic she doesn't show her age at all will make a wonderful pet. She goes by the name Katrina. her last shots were 2021 she is not fixed.if interested please email xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
SuzyQ Brand New Precious Pups
Pure-bred pomeranian 7 week old merle-sable,she is AKC registered. The Dad weighs around 6.5lb the Mom weighs around 5lb.she is raised around kids, and handled throughout her growing up.she is very alert,and doesn't miss a thing,she hops when she runs and stands on her back legs to beg. Loves to twirl to get attention. will be up to date on shots, wormed and vet wellness check up. One female.the deposit is $250 Non-refundable it comes out of the price of puppy, and we will hold the puppy for you. Will post pictures as she grows. If interested please message me and I am willing to meet or xxxxxxx.xx willing to work something out to make it easier to deliver. ThanksView Detail
SuzyQ Precious Pups(Paddington)
Beautiful purbred pomeranian puppy registered 14 weeks old male Paddington, he is Merle sable. Up to date on shots,wormed and a vet wellness check up,he comes with papers.ready for his forever home. He is socially xxxxxxxx.xx raised around kids and love attention.he comes with papers. if interested message willing to meet and to deliver can work something out. Message me if interested thank youView Detail
Merle Female Merle
2 blue eyes Merle Tails dock Dew claws removed Both parents on site can send pictures Will be vetted at 6 weeks Ready to go July 26thView Detail
Female Merle
Merle Tail dock Dew claws removed Will be vetted at 6 weeks Ready for pick up July 26thView Detail
Chorkie puppies
3 males 1 female Mother Yorkshire terrier Father chihuahua 12 days old. I don’t need a deposit . Only your word Pick your puppyView Detail
Purbred bred Siberian husky
15 week old puppy is up to date on shots ,dewormed, had a vet wellness check up at 5 xxxxxx.xx around kids loves to play.View Detail
German shepherd puppies need to go now
Beautiful puppies they are ready to go to a home there are 6 males and 6 females..hurry upView Detail
American Bulldog and Pitbull mix puppies
I have 10 American bulldog and Pitbull mix puppies. There are 4 females and 6 males. Some are brendal in color, a couple are light brown, a couple are white with black or brendal spots and a couple are black. All have stub tails. They have been wormed on 8/14/20. They do need first shots. I only want $25 for rehoming fee.View Detail
Healthy purebred Husky puppies
We try and have healthy socialize puppies.the puppies have been around children and love to be held and cuddled. They have had their first round of shots and have been examined by a vet. They are 7 weeks old eating food. If interested please contact me at xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
June 26,3019
The parents to the puppies are Siberian and malamute Husky they both are bi-eyed (brown and blue)The puppies are growing very well they are very fat and healthy.the puppies are 20 days old now and their eyes are open we have blue , brown and bi-eyed,there are 3 females and 4 males,we will be glad to put your name on the list as we can't sell till they are 6wks old.if you are interested here is contact numbers if: xxx xxx xxx9 or xxx xxx xxx3View Detail
pure-bred Husky Puppies
Pictures of our puppies they have arrived June the 5,2019 very healthy,more to follow in what they areView Detail
Pure-bred husky puppies
Puppies are here!They are very healthy they are two days old and doing great!weView Detail
Pure-breed husky puppies
Healthy pure-bred husky puppies for sale they are a day old so aren't ready to leave Mama yet.View Detail
New puppies
Wanting to sell husky puppies,their not born yet but soon to be, the parents are full blooded and are bi-eyed (blue and brown) we dont have papers for them.will add pictures when pups are bornView Detail
Husky puppy
A healthy 10wk brown bie-eyed puppy has had 2 rounds of puppy shots is very friendly and very lovingView Detail
AKC English bulldog puppies
5 AKC English Bulldog puppies for sale they were born on july 8 2016 they come with AKC papers, pedigree,AKC new puppy packet,utd on vaccines, dewormed, health certificate from the vet,and all the unconditional love you could ever want you can contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxx i do not ship my puppies thank you and if you have any questions please call thank youView Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Mohawk
Alaskan Husky, American Bulldog, Australian Shepherd, Alaskan Malamute, Chorkie, English Bulldog, German Shepherd, Pomeranian, Siberian Husky