Recently Adopted Puppies Near Murfreesboro
Yorkiepoo puppies
We have 4 beautiful Yorkiepoo puppies. They are 9 weeks old and ready for a new home. The mother and father are onsite as well, both Yorkiepoo’s. Both parents are very loving dogs. Mother is 9lbs father is 5lbs. All puppies have been dewormed and have had their first spectra 5 vaccines. We have 3 females and 2 males. Local pickup only we will not ship. We are located in Murfreesboro TN. Please text or call xxx-xxx-xxxx if interested.View Detail
Shih tzu puppies (2 male, 1 female)
beautiful shih tzu puppies ready 2 weeks before ChristmasView Detail
Portuguese water dog puppies!
Pixie is an adorable, clever and loving black and white wavy parti-colored Portuguese Water Dog puppy located in Murfreesboro, TN near Nashville. She loves to fetch and is gery playful and affectionate. Her parents are health tested and our pups are raised in our home with the Puppy Culture socialization program to give her a head start on potty training, clicker training, grooming procedures and more. For more pictures, videos and information about Pixie, her parents and our breeding program, visit us at We welcome visitors to the farm if you're able, and if not I'm happy to do a video call to let you see her in action and get a feel for her personality. This special little girl is going to make someone an awesome dog!View Detail
CKC BEAUTIFUL puppies, ONLY 1 female 2males left! 7 weeks old! 1 Beautiful buff female 1 buff males ,1 brown male. Healthy and ready to go to furever home. First shots with vet visit, papers.View Detail
Newfypoo puppies
Female F2 Newfypoo puppy ready to go! Dewormed & just got first puppy shots and vet exam. Very calm & sweet personality. Parents on site. $500 deposit. Facebook page is called xxxxView Detail
He needs a new home
We can’t have aa bully where I stay he needs a new home if interested call or text me at (xxx) xxx-xxx3View Detail
Beautiful black 12week female with papers. Asking $2800 OBO.View Detail
YorkiePoo Puppy
F1b YorkiePoo Puppy, Born July 12, 2023, Will be Vet checked, up to date on shots and worming, dew claws removed and ENS training. We start training them to a potty pad as early as three weeks. Raised in our home with our other dog, grandchildren and friends. Dame is a 10.5lb CKC F1 yorkiepoo named Ella. Sire is a7 lb CKC poodle named Brody.View Detail
YorkiePoo Male Puppy
F1b YorkiePoo Puppy, Born July 12, 2023, Will be Vet checked, up to date on shots and worming, dew claws removed and ENS training. We start training them to a potty pad as early as three weeks. Raised in our home with our other dog, grandchildren and friends. Dame is a 10.5lb CKC F1 yorkiepoo named Ella. Sire is a7 lb CKC poodle named Brody. xxxxx_xxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
Puppy for sell
10month old black male mini schnauzer. Papers and up to date on shots.View Detail
Pit puppies
Hello, My dog had 7 pups ( mix of American bulldog and pit bull )and we have 2 left that are ready to be rehomed and ready to receive their first set of shot. Looking for immediate placementView Detail
F1b YorkiePoo
F1b YorkiePoo Puppies, Born July 12, 2023, Will be Vet checked, up to date on shots and worming, dew claws removed and ENS training. We start training them to a potty pad as early as three weeks. They are raised in our home with our other dog, grandchildren and friends. Dame is a 10.5lb CKC F1 yorkiepoo named Ella. Sire is a7 lb CKC poodle named Brody.View Detail
Boxer puppies
CKC REGISTERED BEAUTIFUL BOXER PUPPIES! 5 females and 2 males. Up to date on everythingView Detail
Litter of 4
F1b YorkiePoo Puppies, Born July 12, 2023, Will be Vet checked, up to date on shots and worming, dew claws removed and ENS training. We start training them to a potty pad as early as three weeks. They are raised in our home with our other dog, grandchildren and friends. Dame is a 10.5lb CKC F1 yorkiepoo named Ella. Sire is a7 lb CKC poodle named Brody.View Detail
Male yorkie pup 4Sale
He 7 weeks old today will be ready for forever home next week Registered Dewormed first round of shots . Declawed and dew claws removedView Detail
Black lab pup for sale. 10 months old
Loves to have fun and is great with people. She is gentle with toddlers and experienced in having fun with other dogs. She is healthy and doesn't bark unless she is hungry or wants attention. She is a inside dog but, with a few toys does well outside.View Detail
8 week old female Chihuahua puppy
I have one female Chihuahua puppy left out of the liter. Both of her parents are on site and registered.View Detail
Cocker Spaniel Puppy!
dark brown coat, light blue eyes, a sweet, quiet puppy who loves to be held and played with as much as possible.View Detail
Female German shepherd
Bella is a7 month old German shepherd mid hair black and tan. She is AKC registered and I will provide papers. She also took all her vaccines and was dewormed. She is very smart and learns quickly the only reason I’m letting her go is because of school.View Detail
German Shepherd Puppies
Thirteen German Shepherd Puppies born May 6th, 2023 will be wormed with 1st shots and ready for sale on June 19th 2023. The mother and father on premises and are both friendly, active, fun dogs. Also we have 3 puppies we decided to keep from her last litter so you can see what they will possibly look like in 6-7 months. We are on an acre and a half so you're welcome to see them run and play as well. The father is AKC registered but the mother is not. That and the fact that we did not intend to have them is the reason for the reasonable price. Please contact me to schedule a time to see them. As with the last litter we require a $100 payment via cash or Venmo to hold a puppy and $400 will be due via cash or Venmo upon pick up on June 19th. If you have any questions please call or text Edward at xxx-xxx-xxxx.Lastly the puppies are all black when born but colors change drastically in 6 months. Pictured below are Mom(Nymeria) with the pups. The older dogs are Mom(Nymeria) and Dad(Onyx).View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Murfreesboro
South Rutherford Boulevard, West Jefferson Pike, Usa Today Way, Middle Tennessee Boulevard, Saint Andrews Drive, Burnley Way
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Murfreesboro
Alaskan Husky, American Bulldog, American Cocker Spaniel, American Pit Bull Terrier, Australian Shepherd, Alaskan Malamute, Bullmastiff, Beagle, Boxer, Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois), Black and Tan Coonhound, Boston Terrier, Chow Chow, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua, Chinese Crested Dog, Clumber Spaniel, Corgi, English Bulldog, French Bulldog, German Shepherd