Recently Adopted Puppies Near North Portland
Yorkshire Terrier Puppies For Sale
Puppie Yorkshire Terrier boy looking for new loving home. He is 14 weeks old. He already have vacination, microchip and deworming. Mum and dad are both York Terrier. He is all healthy. He is clean and learned to take care of themselve on the mats. He is very loving and sweet, love to play. He is all ready to leave to his new loving home.View Detail
AKC Registered Pure Bred Yellow/Red Lab Puppies
we have x puppies f0r sale; x are male and x female. the litter is akc registered, and y0u will receive an applicati0n t0 register y0ur puppy with the akc with y0ur purchase. the puppies are currently x.x weeks 0ld (as 0f 1x/xx) and will be available t0 g0 t0 new h0mes 0n 1/17/x0x0. all puppies are healthy, active, very s0cial, and very cute & sweet. they are still nursing fr0m their m0ther and are currently in the weaning pr0cess, lapping up puppy milk and eating blenderized puppy f00d c0mbined with milk. they are pr0perly dew0rmed and will have their first sh0ts ar0und 7 weeks 0ld. they will be eating 100% s0lid f00d by the time they are ready t0 g0 t0 new h0mes. please c0ntact if interested! t0 see c0ntact inf0, please register f0r an acc0unt 0r just call/text x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x.View Detail
Litter of 9 puppy's need to find loving homes
They will be ready to leave on December 5th will take deposits to hold a puppyView Detail
Mixed puppy with Chihuahua
About 4 months now It’s a female puppy Playful,Bites on her toys Learning how to not pee in the house/apartment Very loving ,adorable ,Super biting off she doesn’t know you! We really wanna find a perfect family who want her she loves to run a lot and still learning but we’re getting there please Message me if your actually interested:)View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in North Portland
North Newman Avenue, North Kimball Avenue, North Mississippi Avenue
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in North Portland
Labrador Retriever, Mixed, Yorkshire Terrier, American Bully