Recently Adopted Puppies Near Oswego County
Parti yorkie..9 weeks
Male parti yorkie..will be small. First shot wormed and vet check.will received a health certificate .. looking for his forever home. Call or text patty xxx-xxx-xxxx thank youView Detail
Silver Lab & GSP
Mom and dad are both AKC registered purebreds . Silver Lab & G.S.P.View Detail
Pyrenees puppies
They have their shots and have been wormed, they are family raised live stock guardians you can call or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Lab puppies Girls
5 chocolate girls and 1 yellow girl! Ready for their Furever homes on sept 23rd! vet checked, first vaccination, and several dewormings.View Detail
American Bulldog puppies
Hello I have 2 purebred AMERICAN BULLDOG puppies for sale to a good home. THE PUPPY WILL HAVE ALL UP TO DATE SHOTS, PEDIGREE PAPERS , HEALTH CERTIFICATE AND WILL B3 EATING AND DRINKING ON THERE OWN THE TIME THEY LEAVE IN WHICH THE PUPPIES WILL BE READY FOR THERE NEW HOMES SEPTEMBER 1st 2023. If interested in a puppy you can come take a look as well see the parents as they are both on premisis .. I have 1 boy and 1 female that im asking 1500.00 each for number is xxxxxxxxxx thank youView Detail
Westie puppies for sale
Six beautiful seven week old west highland terrier Westie puppies. Home raised first set of shots crate trained pee pad trained and very very well socialized with other dogs as well as all kinds of people. I have had good luck with my puppies in the past and I don't think these will be any exception. Upstate NY, oswego, xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Want a loving puppers here’s blizzard
He’s an all white Siberian husky he is male dominant so has to be the only maleView Detail
Yorkshire Terrier
13 week old male .. will have first shot wormed and vet check.. he Carries biewer and gold dust.looking for his forever mom..text xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxx-xxxx thank you pattyView Detail
German shepherds
Very cute puppies needing a home very clean non smoking home and easy to fall in love withView Detail
Female yorkie
She is 6 years old. Retiring from breeding. Purebred, very sweet. Utd on everythingView Detail
Apricot poodle
She is 2 years old. Miniature, very sweet dog. Utd on everything. Needs her new homeView Detail
Female yorkipoo
She is one years old. Utd on everything. Needs a new homeView Detail
Eddie male morkie
He is 14 weeks old. No one wants him due to his fine hair like a yorkie. He is a sweet boy. Had 2 sets of shots, wormed. Ready for his new homeView Detail
Male morkies
Ready to go 8/11. Will have first c set V off shots, wormed, vet checkedView Detail
Female morkies
Ready to go 8/11. Will come with first set of shots, wormed and vet checkedView Detail
Akc boxer pups
We have akc boxer pup’s family raised and have first shots and have been dewormed. You can call or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Chocolate yorkie
Chocolate male Yorkie 12 week old puppy .. will receive health certificate. First shot wormed and vet checked..looking for his forever home..text or call patty xxxxxxxxxx.. xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Akc boxer pups
I have akc boxer pups for sale, they are family raised and the will have shots and will be dewormed, they are ready to go June 8, asking 1800.00 you can text or call xxxxxxxxxx thank youView Detail
Female Rottweiler for sale
This is Ana. She is 10 months old. Born on 5/13/22. She is not spayed. Full Rottweiler breed. Loves being outdoors, chewing on something, jumping, being brushed and rubbed. She is about 60lbs has her tail docked and her dew claw removed. She is good with children, but I watch out for the smaller ones because she is still jumping up and could knock them down. We have had her since the last week in November 2022. She has had exposure to other dogs and likes to chase my cat. We purchased her from a breeder, although she needs more attention and activity then we can provide. (unfortunately) And as much we love her and want to keep her, it’s not fair to her. She needs a home who can take her out more and give him more time. If you are that family, please come meet her. She is full of energy and love… The price I have listed is really a rehoming fee... I want to make sure she goes to someone who is serious about her. She comes with a harness and a 42-inch crate with bed (as she gets bigger, may need a bigger one). She has some training but needs more. She is house trained; crate trained and knows basic commands such as sit, stay, shake, give kisses, go to bed, go outside and no. She is up to date with all vaccines until 6/27/23 and healthy. I can provide paperwork from the vet showing her shots. Also, paperwork for AKC, Americas Pet Registry and a Certificate of Pedigree. Please reach out if you would like to meet her.View Detail
West Highland terrier / westie 2 females
12 weeks old, shots, wormed, vet checked. AKC parents. Raised in my home, socialized,and affectionate. Mostly potty trained. $950View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Oswego County
Hastings, Oswego, Hannibal, Fulton, Richland, Mexico, Palermo, Constantia, Schroeppel, Granby, Sandy Creek, West Monroe, Parish
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Oswego County
American Bulldog, American Mastiff, American Pit Bull Terrier, Australian Shepherd, Beagle, Black Mouth Cur, Boxer, Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois), Catahoula Cur, Chinese Shar Pei, Cockapoo, Chihuahua, East German Shepherd, English Bulldog, German Shepherd, Golden Doodle, German Shorthaired Pointer, Golden Retriever, Great Pyrenees, Goldendoodle, Labrador Retriever