Recently Adopted Puppies Near Paducah
Extreme pocket bully’s
ABKC Registered. UTD Shots & Dewormed .7 weeks old ! Puppies are litter boxed trained . Pups come with structure, Bone, & MuscleView Detail
Merle puppy
Merle female french bulldog for sale. AKC regestered. Papers in hand.View Detail
Eight Months old female frenchie
Eight month old female frenchie comes with 3 carriers and two cages . She has her pedigree papers and very healthy , no health problem. She is very sweet and playful Her name Is Sapphire , up to date on her shots. We are moving out and can’t take her with us….View Detail
Miniature schnauzer puppies
Born xx-xx-xxxx. These babies are incredibly smart , love to play. They are up to date on shots and wormer. Tails have been docked and dewclaws removed. They are CKC registered, and have been vet checked. These babies will be small mom 15lb and dad 18lb. #xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Male Australian Shepherd
Male Australian Shpeherd with tail. Super playful and loving. $300. Has had 6 week shots and wormed. Needs a loving home for the New Year Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Male Australian Shepherd
8 weeks old Male Australian Shpeherd with tail. Super playful and loving. $375. Has had 6 week shots and wormed. Needs a loving home for ChristmasView Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Paducah
Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, Basset Hound, French Bulldog, Great Dane, Miniature Schnauzer, Yorkshire Terrier, American Bully