Recently Adopted Puppies Near Peachtree Corners
Blue Nose & Blue Fawn Pitbull Puppies
Blue Nose & Blue Fawn APBP puppies for sale. Born 1/18/2023 and ready for their new homes starting 3/18/2023. We have 6 males and 2 females. This is our second litter between Luna and Rudy at our home based kennel. The first litter and this second one have produced gorgeous grey, dark grey and fawn grey puppies. We provide onsite viewing, texting videos, pictures and Face Time of puppies. We love our BNP and take great care to ensure that all our puppies are healthy and start their life off right in our care. They are fed a high quality Hills Science Diet and receive water throughout the day. We have begun bite and potty training to ensure the transition to their forever home is as smooth as possible. All have received a full vet exam with deworming and will receive a6 week than 8 week vaccination. We do not guarantee health, but can provide all vet records on mom, dad, the litter and references from our past litter. The price per pup is $1200. We require a $500 non-refundable deposit to hold the puppy until 8 weeks old and will collect the remaining upon delivery. We accept Zelle, Venmo, Paypal and cash. Delivery can be arranged as an onsite/local pick-up, delivery or half way meet-up between southern locations or air transport. If you choose air transport, please not, BNP are considered short nosed and can not fly in cargo. They will need a pet transport person to fly onboard. This additional cost and arrangement must be made by you. Please reach out with any questions.View Detail
Blue Nose APBT
We have six, smart, cuddly and lovable Blue Nose American Pitbull puppies for sale. 3 girls and 3 boys. Babies were born 3/20/2022. Photo order: 1. Girl- Mostly grey with some white and black nose. Blue eyes 2. Boy- Sandy & White with light brown nose. Light Blue Eyes 3. Boy- White and Grey with butterfly nose. Blue eyes 4. Girl- Grey with white paws and chest, black nose and blue eyes 5. Boy- White with grey markings & blue eyes 6. Girl- Grey with white strip on nose, black nose and white markings and blue eyes We have both mom & dad at home. Puppies are being raised with dogs, kids and lots of love. They are receiving regular health checks, will receive vaccinations shortly, have started solid natural puppy mush and are working on the foundations of potty training. Mom is Razors Edge Gotti ABPR registered and dad is Purple Ribbon UKC registered. Both parents are family dogs that are loved, spoiled & big sweeties. Mom is 50 lbs. & smaller stature and dad is 68 lbs. taller & strong. Parent pictures included. Please reach out for more pictures or questions. Asking $1500. Taking $500 deposits for a May 8th homecoming.View Detail
Female Dog
Unfortunately needing to re-home our pup . She is 7 months old and is super sweet and loving . Potty trained and crate trained . She is also spayed . Will include cage and toys .View Detail