Recently Adopted Puppies Near Pennington County
Contact # is xxx-xxx-xxxx 91/2 MOS OLD FEMALE PUPPY!
I have had to make a final decision into this New Year,about a long term move. I cannot bring her with me. Also,I cannot leave her behind with my parents. I truly feel by selling her to a good loving home will help me more with my move,which i hope will give me more opportunities for success. I also hope it will give Feather a more secure life too! Feather is a beautiful,fun,cuddly, healthy,well grown, older puppy. She has had all of her 1st puppy shots. She is very loving,adorable,playful and quite intelligent pup! She's seeking a lovable and forever home. She would make a great addition for any sized family. Great with all kids,adults and other pets! My# is xxx-xxx-xxxx. ThankyouView Detail
F2 Golden Doodles
4 female and 2 male Golden Doodle puppies born on September 22nd, ready for rehoming on November 22nd. Mother, Stella, is F1B Golden Doodle (3/4 Moyen Poodle and 1/4 Golden Retriever) and father, Leo, is F1 Golden Doodle (1/2 Standard Poodle and 1/2 Golden Retriever). Puppies will have first round of vaccines and deworming, as well as a vet check up. Puppies will not have health certificates or guarantees as neither of the parents have these certificates. Both parents are healthy dogs and puppies are doing great! Interested families please email me at and I’d be happy to send more pictures upon request! Located in North West Minnesota.View Detail
My Siberian Huskies Need A New Home(xxx)xxx-xxxx
I need a new home for my puppies Asap. Can't take care of them due to unforeseen circumstances.If your interested in adopting them please let me know by emailing me.text me at (xxx) xxx-xxx1View Detail