Recently Adopted Puppies Near Perry
Pug Puppies For Sale in Fillmore, NY
Two male pug puppies, one female pug puppy. Puppies were born Nov.3, 2021 and will be ready to go Dec. 29th. They will be wormed and have first shots. No papers.View Detail
American Bully in New York
UKC Registered "PR" Breed American Pitbull Terriors or Bully's. Dam is 15 inches tall with a 22 inch head and with a wide chest no flaws. She is a great grand son to the Bullmaster. The sire is the real deal as far as studs go. He is 17 inches tall with a huge 26 inch headpiece. Great chest piece and structure. He is a Bullmaster grand son. These pups look great big chest and big head pieces excellent body structure. Almost gone 2 females and 1 male. Pups will come with UKC slip, health certificate, and will be UTD on shots. Female lives in home with four kids and my wife runs a daycare she is loving to all the kids and parents with zero issues.Shipping is available. Some names on the peds are Bullmaster, King Kamali, Remy Martin, Mako, Biggie, Cairo and many more.Call or text anytime for questions or more pics or for pedigrees. xxx xxx xxx8.View Detail