Recently Adopted Puppies Near Pierson
AKC Shih Tzu puppies for sale
Danielle and Rebel have 2 males available born 10/3. They have their first set of shots and are ready to go. They have 33 champions in their pedigrees. My puppy contract gives you a health guarantee for anything genetic up to 1 year and 14 days for anything viral. Pup must see your vet within 72 hours for health guarantee to be activated. Casper is a brindle and white male. Dex is a red and white male, $1800.View Detail
AKC Shih Tzu puppies for sale
Raven and Rebel have 1 male left. born 9/27/23. Puppies have 28 champions in their pedigree. Rebel was imported from Ukraine and he has 52 champions in his pedigree. Teddy has one set of shots and is ready to go. I have a sales contract giving you health guarantees for genetic problems up to 1 year and 14 days for viral infections. Pup must see your vet within 72 hours for guarantee to be activated. $1900.View Detail
Shih Tzu adult female AKC
Nikeia is a one year old female born 05/03/2022. Reddish Gold and white. Microchipped. Vet appointment on 10/23 to get shots, heartworm check and health certificate. Very outgoing. Selling due to moving to NC. Never bred. Not spayed.View Detail
Shih Tzu for sale
Magic is a red/white female. 1 year old. Born 1/22/22. Microchipped. Shots updated, health certificate and heart worm test. She is very spirited and outgoing. Moving to N.C. as soon as my home is sold. Phasing out some of my dogs. Not spayed. Has never been bred. AKC registered. She has 25 champions in her pedigree.View Detail
Shih Tzu puppy for sale in Pierson, Florida
Marco is a tricolor male born 7/2/23. He has second set of shots and health certificate. AKC. Has a long line of Ukraine champions in his pedigree. He has 29 champions. His grandfather imported from Ukraine has 52 champions.View Detail
Shih Tzu puppy for sale in Pierson, Fl
Tri color male born 6/21. Nico has 2 sets of shots and health certificate. AKC. Has Ukraine champions in his pedigree. Nico has 29 champions.View Detail
Shih Tzu puppy for sale in PIerson, Fl
Red male with black mask. AKC. Ukraine champion lines. Kona has 27 champions in his pedigree. Has shots, health certificate. Born 7/2/23. Will have 2nd set of shots on Monday, 9/25View Detail
Shih Tzu for sale in Pierson, Florida
Rebel is a gorgeous red and white male imported from Ukraine. He is AKC registered and has 52 Ukraine champions in his pedigree. He is microchipped. Shots updated, heart worm tested and health certificate. He is 3 years old. He has had the basic obedience class. He gets along well with females but not other males. He has a very alpha personality and he is jealous of other males. I am moving to N.C. and I am retired so I am downsizing. He has given me beautiful puppies. He is not neutered.View Detail
Shih Tzu for sale in Pierson, Florida
Stormy is AKC registered and has 20 champions in her pedigree. She is very lovable and gets along well with other dogs. She has had one litter of pups last year. I kept her red/white male because he is a gorgeous red and white color. I am moving back to N.C. and I am retired so I am looking to cut back on the number of dogs I own. She is not spayed. She is microchipped. She has shots update, Heart worm tested negative and health certificate.View Detail
AKC German Shepherd Puppies
AKC German Shepherd puppies, ready now. Born 6/17/23. Up to date on shots, wormings, and come with health guarantee. Both AKC Parents on premises who are very loving, loyal, calm, smart, and excellent guard dogs! 4 males and 1 female left. Located near Deland, FL. Call/text xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail
German Shepherd Male
German Shepherd male stud dog for sale, just turned 3 yrs old, full AKC registration, shots up to date, very sweet and well behaved, loves to play ball! Located near DeLand, FL. Call/text xxx-xxx-xxxx Also expecting a litter of pups born around 6/20.View Detail