Recently Adopted Puppies Near Pueblo County
2 female sharpei in Colorado
2 sweet loving females located in Colorado. They have their akc paperwork. They were born March 11th 2024. They have all their shots and dewormings needed to date. One is a all black female and the other is a multi color with a blue face. Pm for info! Willing to meet.View Detail
Nine week old female frenchie
Nine week old lilac, tricolored, female, French bulldog, a.k.a. blue French bulldog puppy for sale with AKC registration and full breeding rights up-to-date on all immunizations and vet checkView Detail
Boston Terrier
8 weeks, Small Breed, Parents on site. Mom 14lbs Dad 17lbs 1st shots xxx xxx-xxx9 or xxx xxx-xxx9View Detail
8 week old fully weaned Great Pyrneese puppies ready for their forever
6 great pyrneese puppies ready for new homes. Message me for details. xxx-xxx-xxxx Charmaine SpencerView Detail
English bulldog puppies
9 week old English bulldog puppies ready for new homes. 3 boys 1 girl, rare colors. Potty pad trained, dewormed, vaccinated, health checked, social and happy. All puppies are raised in the home, with us 24 hours a day. They sleep in our bedroom and are worded with early. Check out additional photos at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxView Detail
Puppies ready for fur-ever home
2 boys 2 girls. Puppies are (mom)alaskan malamute/husky border collie/blue heeler (dad) great Pyrenees. They will be large dogs. Boys weigh in at 9.5 pounds girls 7.8. They were born october 1st 2023. All are healthy and ready for adventures. Serious inquiries only. First pic girl 2nd pic boy, 3rd pic boy fourth pic girl.View Detail
Aussie Heeler Puppies
Accident pregnancy, 8wks old Aussie Heeler mix puppies for Rehoming. Born 8/24/2023. 1st shot and Dewormed. xxx xxx xxx3View Detail
They are up to date on shots and come with a care package, including collar, leash, blanket, lots of toys, poop bags and a holder, food, vet records, and care sheets. Both parents are akc registered. The dad is my service dog and mother is a direct Championship bloodline. Please contact me for more information/ photos! :) TEXT ONLY (xxx) xxx-xxx6View Detail
Puppy husky/malamute
Mother is hybrid husky/wolf father is Alaskan malamute. 6 puppies leftView Detail
AKC Rottweiler puppies
AKC Rotty Puppies. Parents have all health clearances. Parents OFA Certified Hips and Elbows.View Detail
AKC female rottweiler puppy
AKC Rottweiler female puppy all shots, wormed. Parents OFA certified for hip and elbow. All health clearances on Parents.View Detail
Blue Nose Pitbull Puppies
Blue Nose Pitbull Puppies 3 females 8 weeks Shots/Dewormed Parents on site $750 Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Morkie puppies
We have 2 male morkie puppies for adoption. The mom is a yorkie (weighs 7lbs) and the dad is a maltese and AKC registered (weighs 8.5lbs). They will weigh anywhere from 5 to 10lbs (I think they will be on the smaller side). Right now they weigh around 3 lbs. They are 9 weeks old and have had their first round of shots. They will need their second in 2 to 3 weeks. Each puppy will go to their new home with their shot records, a blanket that has been used by his brothers as well as mom and dad, a toy they have all played with, and a teething toy. They do really well using pee pads (as long as there are no other rugs down in the area). We have also started taking them outside every 2 to 3 hours to start potty trainging. These puppies have been well cared for. They are played with numerous times a day. They get cuddled and loved on off and on all day. They get handled daily and are super sweet puppies. They are used to having someone home with them almost always. I do not recommend them to a home where they would be left alone all or most of the day. They require a lot of attention and love. We are asking for a rehoming fee and will be vetting all potential new owners to make sure they go to the good home they deserve. I will be asking all potential owners to come to our home to meet the puppies and interact with them. Please make sure this breed is the right fit for your family before reaching out.View Detail
English Bulldogs
These pups are AKC registered with great blood lines. We have a variety of colors 4 males one female!View Detail
Male Mini Goldendoodles
Hello! We have 4 male mini goldendoodle puppies that we are looking to rehome. Puppies were born on 8/27/23 and will be ready for their forever homes on 10/22/23. Serious inquiries only please!View Detail
Pure bred boxer puppies for sale
I have 4 boys and 2 girl pure bred boxer puppies for sale. They were born on July 27th. I have both mom and dad. Both parents are AKC registered but the ouppies are not. They have had their first round of shots and will b getting the second round on the 20th. They are halfway potty trained already and play up a storm. I am located in Pueblo West Colorado. My number is xxx-xxx-xxxx or xxx-xxx-xxxx. Update: The pups have had their second round of vaccines as well as deworming. I have added videos of them playing as well as a photo of the shot records. Update: I only have one female and 2 male puppies left. Update: I have 1 boy left. Hes had his 12 week vaccines. He is my cuddle bug but he also loves to play and be outside.Hes great with my 4 year old and he is potty trained. We are starting to leash train him so that's a work in progress.View Detail
Chihuahua pups
I have two apple head chihuahuas left! One female and one male, full blood, will have first set of shots, they will be ready next week!! Claim your puppy now before its too late!!View Detail
American Bully Puppies
I have 5 American Bully puppies available. Call or text (xxx)xxx-xxxx for more info.View Detail
4 female ukc
I have 4 blue female ukc bullies....parents on premisses,no scam video call is acceptable!! xxx)xxx-xxxx tedoView Detail
7 Pit Bull puppies left!
I have 7 eight week old pit bull puppies left. Very cute and lovable… They are already potty trained and have received their first set of shots. They are Very healthy and playful. They are just awaiting their forever home❤️ Please Text/call me for more info or if interested thanks.View Detail
Locations Where Puppies are Available in Pueblo County
Pueblo, Colorado City, Pueblo West, Rye, PUEBLO DEP AC
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Pueblo County
Abruzzenhund, Alaskan Husky, American Bulldog, American Cocker Spaniel, American Pit Bull Terrier, Austrailian Blue Heeler, Australian Shepherd, Alaskan Malamute, Border Collie, Bull Terrier, Basset Hound, Beagle, Bernese Mountain Dog, Bloodhound, Boxer, Brittany, Bull and Terrier, Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois), Black and Tan Coonhound, Boston Terrier, Cane Corso