Recently Adopted Puppies Near Reed City
Christmas cuties
We have 3 males and 1 female. Are ready for their new homes now, at 7 weeks. They had their check ups with our vet, first shots and were wormed. They will come with a health certificate and vaccination record. Super smart, super sweet, family raised. will post more pics and video soon. Mom and dad on site.View Detail
19 month old
19 month old male..unfixed..potty and crate trained..sit. lay. Commands he is Big AlView Detail
AKC Rottweiler puppies
AKC registered rottweilers. 3 males left. Born 01/30/2022. Will be ready to go April 1st. Taking deposits. Tails docked, wormed, 1st shots and vet checked. Parents on sight.View Detail
Chocolate Labs
AKC Chocolate Labs, These healthy playful bunch of 10 weeks old pups come from an excellent bloodline. Being farm raised by a family They come with first shots and wormed. Sire with a stocky build and the Dame are both registered and on site for viewing. Hurry won’t last price reduced for quick sale!! Serious inquires only please.View Detail
akc doberman pinscher puppies for sale.
Akc doberman pinscher puppies for sale parents have great demeanor great with kids and other pets both vet checked.I have 1 blue female,1 fawn male available. Both been vet checked tails docked,declaws done wormed born 2/25/2017 taking non-refundable deposits to hold.View Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Reed City
Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler, Yoranian