Recently Adopted Puppies Near Sodus
Doberman Puppies
Our Doberman Zelda had a litter of puppies. I have 2 females and 1 male available. She was born January 16th, 2023 and she will be 8wks old and ready to go March 13th, 2023. Zelda is a pure doberman and Link the father is also pure doberman. She has had her dew claws removed and tail done which is included in the price. Deposits are nonrefundable. For additional questions and information about deposits and reservations please text Rachel at (xxx)-xxx-xxxx or email at Detail
Who says nothing good happens after midnight? We have this beautiful litter of new Shiba Inu puppies born between 1am & 3am on April 15th. We have 2 black & tan males &1 black & tan female available in a litter of 4 puppies. Each male will be $1800 (limited AKC) or $2500 (full AKC). The female is $2000 (limited AKC) or $3000 (full AKC). A $300 nonrefundable deposit will hold the puppy until he is 8 weeks old and checked by our vet. We offer to hand deliver to you for an additional $225 if you live within a 400 mile radius from zip code 14551. Or we can airline ship for $350 to the closest major airport. You are also more than welcome to come pick up your new family member. The puppy will come with the following items: a gift bag of favorites, a bag of food to help change over, current vaccines, will have been wormed, vet health certificate, a health guarantee from us, a pedigree & limited AKC registration papers. Full registration is available under certain instances. Please give us a call (be sure to leave a message) or email. Text is also a good choice and will be easier to send pics to. Deanna & Chris xxx-xxx-xxxx, We have paypal for your convenience - Please be sure to either send it as a friend or add 2.9% to cover the convenience fee. I also list my puppies on with a premium so that people can view my entire listing, including pictures. The listings on both sites have the same title. Thank you. Deanna & ChrisView Detail