Recently Adopted Puppies Near Statesboro
Treeing Feist
Registered; 7 wks old; wormed and first shots; dam from north carolina and sire from tennessee; 4 females and 4 malesView Detail
French Bulldog puppies
Our puppies are available on 4/4 they will be 8 weeks. We have 3 females and 1 Male. We own the parents, mom lives here with us and Dad is a co own in Alabama. We live in Statesboro. The puppies are 3500. That is for Limited AKC Registration. Full AKC to approved homes is 4500. We offer a puppy contract with a1 year health guarantee. Both parents are DNA health tested and clear. Our puppies come with a clean bill of health from our Veterinarian and their first shots. They will have been dewormed at 2,4,6&8 weeks old. We also microchip them. The deposit is 1k and the balance is due at day of pickup. We provide a lifetime of support beyond when your puppy leaves us. Would you like our application? I’m here if you have any questions whatsoever. ❤️View Detail
Blue-eyed Alapaha Blueblood Bulldog
I am selling my 6 month old Alapaha Bulldog pup, who was born 3/28/2023. A little about him, his name is Diesel, and he runs all day like a diesel engine. He is such an active puppy who loves to jump, play, and wrestle. He is current on all vaccinations, including rabies shots. He is full-blooded as this is a rare and unique breed. I've included current pictures of him. Check out the paw size on him. He is going to be a very powerful and large dog. I've also included pictures of his parents. The mother ( brindle color)is 99 pounds, and the father ( white coat) is 85 pounds. The website to the kennel he was purchased from is the following: All of their dogs are DNA tested and ABBA registered.View Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Statesboro
Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, Feist, French Bulldog, Miniature Schnauzer