Recently Adopted Puppies Near Waterloo
8 month old puppy
Milo is a male about 5 pounds. Not nurtured. He has had his shots at bith. Born 10/17/23 Born at xxxx.He is very playful and loves everyone who will play with him. Kitty litter trained.Very smart and love to intertain you.View Detail
Have puppy for sale
I have 10 month old greatdane male puppy for sale hes very smart he situp. Shakes his paw lays down gives hugs walk well on a leashView Detail
Gorgeous apple head Chihuahuas
2 darling tiny apple head male puppies. 5 weeks old. Starting to eat now. Will br wormed with two shots. One male is a black tri color. Very tiny. The other is a brown tri color. The black looks like a short coat, and the brown boy is a long coat. Mom and dad are my pets who occasionally have a litter. Both are very well bred and very pretty. Pictures of pups or parents available. We all live in iowa.View Detail
German sheapher
beautiful german shepherds 6 weeks old good pets protective with familyView Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Waterloo
Bernese Mountain Dog, Chihuahua, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Morkie