Recently Adopted Puppies Near West Columbia
F1b Goldendoodle Puppies
10 puppies still available. They are 5 weeks old and will be ready to go home Nov 2nd. Call or text for more info xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Selling our Double Doodles
We have two golden/labradoodle puppies. The boy is 2 and the girl is one. Both potty trained and good with kids. Neither are fixed so breeding is an option. Would like to sell together but can give a price to sell separately. Located near HoustonView Detail
Chihuahua puppy
She’s is 3 months old. She’s a good dog just don’t have the time and space for her right now. She comes with food bowls and stand, bed, bones, toys and color and leash. She doesn’t know her own name yet so you will be able to change it.View Detail
Adorable Maltese Available xxx) xxx-xxx4
We have a beautiful new litter ready to go now. 12 weeks old now, male and female available. Vet checked with health card and 1st vaccinations given. Wormed and flea treated, leave us text @ xxx) xxx-xxx4View Detail