Recently Adopted Puppies Near Winnabow
Yorkie pups
Beautiful CKC yorkie pups. I have 2 boys left. All pups vaccinated,tail & dew claws removed and wormed. Parents are 5 lbs. They are my pets. These pups are full of energy, happy and healthy. They are ready to bring joy to their new forever homes.View Detail
CKC registered male Yorkies in NC
CKC male Yorkshire Terriers. I have 1 beautiful boy ready for his forever homes. He is 7 weeks old and up to date on vaccines. Sweet and playful. Mom is 4 lbs and dad is 5 lbs. Mom and dad are silky. Will make great Christmas presents. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Tiny CKC male Yorky
This little boy is special. He is small. Mom is 4 lbs and dad is 5 lbs. They both are silkies. He will be 8 weeks old later this week. He has been wormed, tail and dew claws removed. Up to date on all vaccines. He is loving and likes to snuggle. Call xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Husky for sale!
Kaya is 1 year and 2 months old. She is very friendly and gets along with other dogs great! We are having to sale Kaya because we are moving and the landlords do not allow dogs.View Detail