Recently Adopted Puppies Near Wurtsboro
Purebred Spanish Mastiff female
Both parents are imported from Spain with FCI/AKC certificates. She is a beautiful Spanish Mastiff seeking for a forever home, 2 years and 4 months old and weighs about 130 lbs. 30'' high. Very healthy and can be great guardian dogs. Monroe NY. Contact Clair at (xxx) xxx-xxx5.View Detail
Central Asia/Mastiff Puppies
Central Asia/Mastiff Puppies. Two boys and two girls are available. Born in 8/18/2021 Have been exposed to sheep and cat. Playful and smart. Can be good working dogs or pets. Their parents are purebred Central Asia and purebred Spanish Mastiff which are great guardian dogs. Contact Clair (xxx) xxx-xxx5 for more info. Wurtsboro, New YorkView Detail