Recently Adopted Rabbits Near Fernandina Beach
Looking for
Doe .Silver ,light grey or light steel in color. Non neuter. As pet only .I have an amazing vet. . Preferably litter box trained.View Detail
1 female left. She loves to play and snuggle. She is the largest pup in the litter. Born ..
xxxx We have new litter 5 boy 1 gril Born 9/24/2024 AKC REGISTRY DEW..
Ckc registered vet checked, first shots health certificate...these fun loving pups will b..
Hello, I have 4 Boxer puppies, 3 males and one female, all white, all 3 months old, vacci..
Doe .Silver ,light grey or light steel in color. Non neuter. As pet only .I have an amazi..
Ckc registered vet checked, first shots health certificate...these fun loving pups will b..
They are so cute! 8 weeks old. Ready to go to there forever home! So much personality, so..
Playful, good with kids, good with other pets, well socialized. Small cattery in North Ge..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
Welcome to PetzLover, your premier destination for quality Rabbits for sale in Fernandina Beach, Florida. Whether you're looking to buy, adopt, or even sell rabbits, our platform connects you with top-notch breeders and pet shops.
The price range for Rabbits in Fernandina Beach varies greatly depending on the breed, age, and seller. Typically, you can expect to pay between $20 and $200 for a healthy rabbit. Remember, adopting a rabbit can often be free or at a lower cost at local shelters.
Rabbits come in various sizes, generally classified into three groups: dwarf, small, and large. In Fernandina Beach, Florida, you can find dwarf rabbits weighing around 2-4 pounds, small rabbits usually range from 4-7 pounds, while larger breeds can weigh between 7-14 pounds.
Rabbits can be found in a plethora of colors. Popular color variations include black, white, gray, spotted, and brown. Each breed showcases unique patterns and color combinations, making it essential to explore different options available in Fernandina Beach, Florida.
Check out our various rabbit listings:
If you're looking for a specific rabbit breed or want to know more about the sellers, feel free to contact us at our email. We’re here to help you find the perfect rabbit to join your family!
Doe .Silver ,light grey or light steel in color. Non neuter. As pet only .I have an amazing vet. . Preferably litter box trained.View Detail