Recently Adopted Rabbits Near Lewiston
Velveteen lop bunnies
They have fur like velvet, started on litter box training, Great personalities. Buffalo, NY area .View Detail
Velveteen lop bunnies
I have a few baby velveteen lop bunnies available, started on litter box training, will come with transitioning pellets and hay to get you startedView Detail
Holland Lop babies
I have a small rabbitry and breed to the ARBA standards ,I usually have some babies for sale . Feel free to contact me to see what’s available and priceView Detail
Velveteen lop babies coming
I have a small rabbitry and breed to ARBA standards ,I will be having Purebred velveteen babies on a regular basis . Contact me for available babies and price . Located north of Buffalo,NYView Detail
Blue eyed Holland Lop bunnies
I have 2 purebred Holland Lop bunnies, white with blue eyes , doing very well with litter box training. Located in Sanborn,NY . North of Buffalo, close to Niagara Falls, Lockport, Amherst NY
8 weeks oldView Detail
Holland Lop bunnies
I have 3 purebred Holland Lop bunnies. Will be ready October 8th .
1 BEW - all white with blue eyes , boy - 150.00
1 VM cream - cream and white with gorgeous blue eyes 175.00
1 VC- tan with grey eyes, 150.00
Located in Sanborn,NY , north of BuffaloView Detail
Holland Lop bunnies
8 weeks old, doing good on litter training, they are purebred Holland Lops ,I have a few orange and white, a few brown and a black otterView Detail
Blue eyed bunnies
I have 6 blue eyed purebred Holland Lops , ready for new homes boys are 100.00 - girls 125.00View Detail
Holland Lop Bunnies
I have 2 litters of Holland Lops available . E-mail for pics ,
Very friendly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail