Recently Adopted Rabbits Near Marinette County
Purebred Silver Fox Rabbits
Pedigree Silver Fox Rabbits for sale. Born on February 25 & 26. ID ear tattoo is part of the pedigree. Silver Fox is a class 6 heritage rabbit breed. The adult weight will be between 9-12lbs. This once endangered/threatened breed is becoming more popular and we hope you will consider adopting a Silver Fox.They are great for the homestead and are docile if handled often. Our does are black and our bucks are black, blue and lilac. We will have some chocolate, lilac and black for sale in a few weeks. These rabbits are for breeders or pets. The rabbits we currently have available are from two different litters and the one coming up is also from a separate litter. So, if you are looking to breed Silver Fox Rabbits, our genetics are from different breeding pairs. Call or text Dan at xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail