Recently Adopted Sakhalin Husky Puppies Near Tulsa County
Siberian Husky Contact (xxx)xxx-xxxx
These are our male and female Siberian husky . Up to date on all shots. They are neutered and healthy from nose to tail. Loves to play and run. They're house broken and will let you know when they have to go. has large new crate and bed with toys and food bowls. they are still growing and will probably be the best to grow up with your kids and other pets. they are beautiful dogs, good with kids and other dogs/cats and listens well but we have to move and the dogs are too much for us to handle at the moment. Give me a call if you would like to meet him. there is a re-homing fee of $225. They need a good loving home with a good family so don't come by if your intentions are anything but good.View Detail