Recently Adopted Shepherd Husky Puppies Near Ross County
Christmas puppies
10 weeks old, Shepard husky mix. They have had their first and second round of shots. Text xxx-xxx-xxxx if you have any questions.View Detail
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10 weeks old, Shepard husky mix. They have had their first and second round of shots. Tex..
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AKC registered 3 month old puppies. They are smart, sweet, affectionate, and loyal. They ..
If you're searching for Shepherd Husky puppies for sale in Ross County, Ohio, look no further! Our online classifieds at PetzLover connect you with quality breeders offering the best puppies. These adorable puppies combine the intelligence of the German Shepherd with the relentless spirit of the Siberian Husky, making them the perfect family companion.
The price for a Shepherd Husky puppy can vary based on factors such as breeder reputation, location, and puppy lineage. In Ross County, Ohio, you can expect the price to range between $800 to $1500. We recommend thoroughly researching breeders to ensure that you are getting a healthy puppy with a good background.
As adults, Shepherd Husky puppies typically weigh between 40 to 65 pounds and stand at a height of 20 to 25 inches tall. These medium to large-sized dogs require ample space to roam and play, making them excellent companions, especially for active families.
Shepherd Husky puppies come in a variety of attractive colors including black, gray, brown, and white. Their striking appearance, combined with unique color patterns, makes them truly stunning pets.
When you choose to buy puppies from PetzLover, you are guaranteed a safe and trustworthy transaction. All breeders listed on our website are verified and provide health certifications for their puppies. Whether you’re looking to adopt or sell, our platform is designed to help you find the best options near you. Check out our listings above and find the perfect furry friend today!
If you're open to exploring other breeds, check our listings for Boxer puppies, Akita puppies, or Bullmastiff puppies. You can find additional information and listings for various breeds by visiting our [puppies for sale in Ross County]( page.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us at
10 weeks old, Shepard husky mix. They have had their first and second round of shots. Text xxx-xxx-xxxx if you have any questions.View Detail