Recently Adopted Shiba Inu Puppies Near Hamilton County
Ying & yang
Two female puppies. Ones is Black and Tan and one is cream. They will be ready for Christmas. Take one or take both. Price is each and we do take offersView Detail
Have female yorkies puppies . They are all females will be ready after Christmas..will ha..
We have the best basenjis out there. I have three different bloodlines. I've had to send ..
8 weeks old / puppy shots and paperwork
4 females 3 males
Mom and dad on site both regi..
3 beautiful male yorkie pups left for rehoming. Please message me if interested..
Two female puppies. Ones is Black and Tan and one is cream. They will be ready for Christ..
8 weeks old / puppy shots and paperwork
4 females 3 males
Mom and dad on site both regi..
Boba and Shades had a liter. 4 boys, 2 girls. Ranging from $3k-$6k. All colors seen in pi..
We are looking for a loving home for our little puppy, he is ready to go to dog lovers. P..
We have the best basenjis out there. I have 3 different blood lines. I have had basenjis ..
I have 10 black brindle cane corso puppies for sale 6 weeks old, born on November 20th wi..
Beautiful male and female Cavalier puppies. Apricot in color. Looking for their furever h..
Uk bloodline AKC registered French bulldog puppies. 2 boys 1 girl . Parents are both arou..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
Are you looking to buy a cute and playful Shiba Inu puppy in Hamilton County, New York? You've come to the right place! Our online classified site, PetzLover, features a wide selection of Shiba Inu puppies for you to adopt. We are dedicated to providing quality puppies from certified breeders who ensure each furry friend is happy and healthy.
The price of Shiba Inu puppies can vary based on various factors such as breeder reputation, puppy quality, and lineage. In Hamilton County, prices typically range from $1,500 to $3,000. Finding the right puppy that fits your budget is key, and we are here to help you through the process.
Shiba Inu puppies are known for their compact size. They usually grow to a height of about 13.5 to 16.5 inches and weigh between 17 to 23 pounds as adults. When it comes to colors, these adorable pups are available in various shades, including red, black and tan, and sesame.
PetzLover is committed to connecting you with certified AKC breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their puppies. Each puppy listed on our site comes with a health guarantee, ensuring that you are making a safe and informed purchase.
Check our listings above for Shiba Inu puppies for sale in Hamilton County, New York. You may also find other breeds, including American Bulldogs, German Pinschers, and Boradors.
For any inquiries or further assistance, feel free to contact us at:
Don't wait! Your perfect Shiba Inu puppy is just a click away!
Two female puppies. Ones is Black and Tan and one is cream. They will be ready for Christmas. Take one or take both. Price is each and we do take offersView Detail