Recently Adopted Shih-Poo Puppies Near Locust
She was born on 5-15-23 and is up to date on all vaccines, and she has been on a biweekly deworming schedule since she was a week old. Comes with a one year genetic health guarantee and her health certificate. Mom is full blooded shihtzu that weighs 6lbs and dad is an 8lb maltipoo.View Detail
Ready This Weekend
We have 2 shih-poo babies that will be ready to go to their forever homes on June 18. Their dad is a 5lb toy poodle and mom is a 7.5-8lb shih tzu. The female is as of now I want to say brindle and her coat is getting more and more wavy. She is very verbal and loves attention. The male is black with some white. He is the smaller of the two but his personality and attitude make up for his small size. They love playing and to be center of attention. They will also bark and growl now when they want your attention. They have been raised in our home as part of the family. We started pad training and they started eating food on 5-29-22. These puppies will go home up to date on vaccines as well as deworming. They also come with a one year genetic health guarantee. If interested please contact me xxx. xxx. xxx9View Detail
Two Little Cuties
We have 2 shih-poo babies that will be ready to go to their forever homes on June 18. Their dad is a 5lb toy poodle and mom is a 7.5-8lb shih tzu. The female is as of now I want to say brindle and her coat is getting more and more wavy. She is very verbal and loves attention. The male is black with some white however is starting to show somewhat of a chocolate color but it's hard to pick up on camera. He is the smaller of the two but his personality and attitude make up for his small size. They love playing and to be center of attention. They will also bark and growl now when they want your attention. They have been raised in our home as part of the family. We started pad training and they started eating food on 5-29-22. These puppies will go home up to date on vaccines as well as deworming. They also come with a one year genetic health guarantee. If interested please contact me xxx. xxx. xxx9View Detail
shih-poo babies
We have 2 shih-poo babies that will be ready to go to their forever homes on June 18. Their dad is a 5lb toy poodle and mom is a 7.5-8lb shih tzu. The female is as of now I want to say brindle and her coat is getting more and more wavy. She is very verbal and loves attention. The male is black with some white however is starting to show somewhat of a chocolate color but it's hard to pick up on camera. He is the smaller of the two but his personality and attitude make up for his small size. They love playing and to be center of attention. They will also bark and growl now when they want your attention. They have been raised in our home as part of the family. We started pad training and they started eating food on 5-29-22. These puppies will go home up to date on vaccines as well as deworming. They also come with a one year genetic health guarantee. If interested please contact me xxxxxxxxxx.View Detail
Grimlin Shihpoo
Grimlin is ready for his forever family. He will be a little guy mom and dad are both right around 6lbs. He is very spunky and playful. He is UTD on vaccines and dewormings and will go home with a one year genetic health guarantee and health certificate. If interested please contact xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Xmas puppy
This little guy will ready 12/23/21. He has had his first shot, is being dewormed every 2 weeks as a preventative. He will go home UTD on vaccines, with a one year genetic health guarantee, health certificate, and puppy starter kit. If interested please contact xxxxxxxxxxView Detail