Hi, the reason I can’t keep her because my apartment don’t allow pets anymore :/
hi I have 11, 6 week old Bullmastiff pups for sale Brindel and some tan, please give me a..
2 male dogs verry start play full estrong and follow order they like to play in water per..
Long haired mini Daschund purebred AKC. One girl and one boy available. Shaded Red with w..
Meet Nala she was born July 20, 2023. She is five months old and looking for a new home. ..
PUMPKIN is a female. Born 11/13/23 and is 8 weekd old. She is one of 4.( you can change t..
HENRY was born 11/13/23 and is 4 weeks old today..He has 1 brother Leroy. ( you can chang..
Beautiful, fluffy and healthy Shihtzu Puppies. They have fluffy thick fur coat with gorge..
2 male dogs verry start play full estrong and follow order they like to play in water per..
Our family pet Ruby has given us a beautiful litter of puppies. They are now ready for th..
Male tricolor Shih Zhu born on September 6, 2023. He’s healthy and comes with shots and..
We had a litter of Pure Non-Papered Shih Tzu puppies born on September 30th, and they wil..
We had a litter of Pure Non-Papered Shih Tzu puppies born on September 30th, and they are..
He is black with,white stripe on his tummy, and stripe around his nose and tip of his xxx..
These Shih Tzu puppies have wonderful features, they are all boys this time around… I c..
3 months. Rehoming is minimal just ti cover vet expenses.
Updated with shots and dewo..
We had a litter of Pure Non-Papered Shih Tzu puppies born on September 30th, and they wil..
We had a litter of Pure Non-Papered Shih Tzu puppies born on September 30th, and they are..
Labradoodle and Goldendoodle puppies.
12 weeks old
Family friendly
Potty pad and kenn..
We had a litter of Pure Non-Papered Shih Tzu puppies born on September 30th, and they wil..
5month old Shih Tzu female. Really good puppy loves kids and very clean and trained. I ju..
Hi! I have wonderful 4 month old shitzu and maltese pup. He has all his vaccines. Vaccine..
Adorable 6 month old registered male. very lovable and playful up to date on his shots.
Black standard F1B Goldendoodle female 5 week old puppy ready to go home with you Christm..
Toy shih tzu 14 weeks
Parents are 6lb
Vaccinated and dewormed
Introducing baby Bruno an adorable 8 weeks shih tzu ready to go home and change your life..
10 week old
Sweet adorable, lovely Shih-Tzu Puppy. Female
Calm, potty trained on pee ..
Beautiful Purebred Shih Tzu Puppy. 4 Month Old Male. Playful & Energetic. He..
Hi there I have a litter of eight puppies three are female going for $850 and five that a..
Father/sire is a quality Leonberger. The..
Ready to go home home to the forever home. For more information On the puppies, you can g..
These pups are almost three months old. I have two males and one female left. The one wit..