Ckc registered vet checked, first shots health certificate...these fun loving pups will b..
Blue is a beautiful, loving, high energetic puppy! He is great with kids, cats, and other..
xxxx We have new litter 5 boy 1 gril Born 9/24/2024 AKC REGISTRY DEW..
They are 11 weeks old 3 males one female $400 obo they are german line..
Puppies awaiting a family with love and care. 5 puppies to choose!! Spanish pho..
Beautiful 2 months Shih Tzu puppies. Vaccinated. To a good home. 3 males and 3 females..
This is our 2nd litter of Shih tzu puppies.. born on July 17, 2024.. they will be able to..
I have one bichon Shih Tzu puppies in excellent health and ready to go. They are 14 weeks..
xxxx We have new litter 5 boy 1 gril Born 9/24/2024 AKC REGISTRY DEW..
Akc eligible has first round of shots and health certificate. She’s ready to go and tot..
Akc eligible puppy - pure shih tzu born in May and 3 months old with first round of shots..
to a good home ,8 weeks 2 male 2 female with shots, call tony xxx-xxx-xxxx $500 on papers..
Teddy Bear puppies
Bishion and shitshu
9 weeks old.1st shots and dewormed...
Cindy is a playful, spirited King Charles Cavalier who's name originates from Cindy Lou W..
Shih tzu puppies purebred available. I havei have one boy . Comes with health certificate..
Grace is brown and affectionate lovable and adorable... Paper train and doggy do..
he is so friendly, loves to play and it's very sweet..
2 boy and 1 girl
xxx-xxx-xxxx contact for more info..
Liter of 6 puppies. All girls. 2 red. 3 white and tan and 1 all brown. All are very playf..
They were born in May and ready to go as of August with AKC eligible first round of shots..
Teddy Bear puppies are cute, fluffy, happy, and healthy. Our adorable Teddy Bear puppies ..
It’s a female 2 months old have her fist vaccine it’s a beautiful playful dog any que..
She needs a new home, very friendly and good with kids. Love to play and also loves hangi..
I have 3 girls and one boy Akc reg vet checked with a health certificate Mom and Dad have..
Adorable loving Shih Tzu puppies. They are 5 weeks old and will looking beautiful loving ..
Beautiful 5 weeks old Shih Tzu’s need loving homes. Healthy, adorable and adventurous p..
Can no longer take care of her due to illness. The puppy will come with a cage, health ce..
Cash is 8 months old; loves to run jump and play.All immunizations are up to date as well..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
I have two litters available that were born just within a couple of days of each other. L..
I've had to send you since 1985. I have three different bloodlines. I have the best speci..
Puppies are 8 weeks dewormed, first set of shots , very loveable and playful ready to spe..