Ready a week before Christmas. We have 2 females and 2 males available. Dad is importred,..
2 blue male puppies. Very friendly has had 3 puppy shots Dewormed and Microchiped
xxx x..
AKC French Bulldog Puppies 9 Months, Shots, Dewormed, Socialized. Outstanding temperament..
Sad day for me! Our new french bulldog we just picked up is needing an unfortunate immedi..
NEWPORT MI. 48166, Born 9/4/19 CKC.REG.FEMALE,RARE LIVER, with gorgeous Green eyes,& ..
Shihtzu Male Available looking for his furever home Pontiac Mi xxx-xxx-xxxx..
Brother and sister combo!! These 2 adorable pups need help finding a fun loving home. "Go..
I have 5 amazing teddy bear puppies,They will have their first shots and be dewormed. Fem..
AKC French Bulldog Puppies 9 Months, Shots, Dewormed, Socialized. Outstanding temperament..
NEWPORT MI. 48166, CKC.REG.Shih-tzu puppies , READY TO GO ,I have the most adorable littl..
xxxxxxxxxx located in Pontiac mi 48342 give me a call or text for more information there ..
She will b3 yrs in January. Loving, playful, great with kids and protective. Moving and n..
2 female shorkies 7 weeks old one black and white and one brown and white ready for there..
Adorable Biewer Terrier male
Will mature at about 5lb
Multi champion bloodlines.Hom..
Can’t find a more friendly companion young loyal ready for your home I have too many ha....
Last 3 shihtzu mix puppies available 2 boys 1 girl first set of shots and dewormed if you..
NEWPORT MI. 48166, READY TO GO, AKC.REG. Female, I have the most darling little shih-tzu ..
Black and white two month boy Shih Tzu puppy. He’s very playful and loving...
Special chowski corgi design. 5 left. Beautiful and smart. Will go quickly!..
Pebble needs a new home. My work hours have changed!..
We raise our puppies in our home with lots of outside playtime. We want to offer an excep..
I am unable to keep her where I am at I believe she's pregnant her belly is big and she h..
7/31/2019 Hi,I have Shih Tzu Male puppy available. He is very cut and playful. He is 8 we..
2 male akc French bulldogs ready Jan 16 will have shots dewormed vet check and special of..
Trying to rehome 3 girl puppies they are mixed with York terr and shih Tzu if interested ..
Black Shih Tzu with a streak of white on his chest is currently going potty outside with ..
Adorable two male sibling Maltese Shih-Tzu dogs, named Jackie and Stormy. They are both w..
Loves people great with kids hates thunder wants to b your best friend..
He is a mini doodle, 1 and 1/2 years old. Very affectionate, well trained, he loves to pl..
Each puppy will be microchipped, properly dewormed, and come with 30 days of free insuran..
AKC King Charles Caliver Spaniel Puppies!
Vet checked
Health certified
Socialized , r..
Ready to go. 9wk old shar pei puppys. 2 male 3 female, ready for new homes now. They are ..