Small Adorable Male Yorkie Terrier. 14 wks old 3 puppy, Alot Cuter in Person..
AKC , Arlo was born November 9, he’s a beautiful Ice white Pomeranian boy. Very lovable..
AKC registered 18 month old parti yorkie
white black tan
smart loyal very sweet..
2 male German shepherd puppies. Dad is champion bloodline and 140lbs. Mom is purebred wit..
Beautiful 1 year shih tzu/Lhasa apso sweet, sweet girl! She is up on all shots and I was ..
AKC registered 18 month old parti yorkie
white black tan
smart loyal very sweet..
I have 5 puppies that are 6 weeks old they are eating and drinking water on their own. I..
I own the sire and dame which are both on site. Both Akc registered champions. Raised wit..
Black standard F1B Goldendoodle female 5 week old puppy ready to go home with you Christm..
I have 3 female puppy pugs available. They are 9 weeks old and have received 1st set of s..
Boba and Shades had a liter. 4 boys, 2 girls. Ranging from $3k-$6k. All colors seen in pi..
These pups were raised in our home/ full AKC dogs. Any questions email me or call. We hav..
Awesome male black and white. We have the best Basenjis. Call for all references and base..