Recently Adopted Siberian Husky Puppies Near Catlettsburg
New Siberian Husky Litter
King (AKC & CKC Registered) and Ayla (CKC Registered) have 7 new Siberian Husky Puppies born 12/26/2015. and will be ready 2/13/2015. They will have had their 1st set of shots 2nd worming and have been vet checked. They are CKC registered with pedigree for mom and dad. Will be posting pictures in a couple days. They are 550.00 and a 100.00 deposit will hold a puppy until pickup at which time the remaining balance will be due in cash. We will keep you updated weekly as your puppy grows and develops. you can contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx or call/text at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Mom and dad are on premise to view if desired.View Detail
Siberian Husky Litter expected April 14th
we are taking deposits for our upcoming litter of Siberian Husky puppies. A 100.00 deposit holds one until born and you will be able to visit and pick yours out or can pick them out via pictures. We can supply references if you need them to assure you will not be scammed. Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail