Recently Adopted Siberian Husky Puppies Near Fort Ripley
Husky pups
Puppies will be ready to go home in 6 weeks. We have red, black and grey Huskies. 1 female and 4 males. Mom and dad are registered as well as health checked. Puppies will be vaccinated, health checked and registered before going to their furever homes. You can call Megan at xxx-xxx-xxxx or email xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
New Siberian Huskies
6 puppies due at the end of June looking for forever homes. Siberian huskies are loyal dogs and love children. Momma is well mannered and daddy is protective of his little owners. Puppies will be under a veterinarians care until 8 weeks when they can go to their forever homes. I will post puppy picks as soon as they are born and settled with their momma.View Detail