Recently Adopted Sphynx Cats Near New Philadelphia
SOLD Retired Sphynx female
xxxx.xxxxx TICA registered Sphynx. Retired after 1 litter. HCM negative 10/22. DNA negative for congenital defects. Up to date on shots. Available end of month after she has healed from spay. Located in Ohio. In person delivery only. Willing to meet part way.View Detail
Bambino / Sphynx available
Female Bambino . Born 6/14. Both parents HCM negative. Microchipped, spayed & neutered. Sealpoint with a very small amount of white. They come with all recommended shots, 1 year health guarantee, 3 yr guarantee against HCM. $200 deposit goes toward purchase price. Sphynx $2000, Bambino $2500. Will deliver up to 100 miles. Farther is at govt mileage.View Detail
Sphynx ready 11/23
Tusc T Sphynx, LLC, is a TICA registered cattery. Currently male & female kittens are available. Ready week before Thanksgiving. Kittens are registered, both parents are tested yearly and are HCM negative, both parents have had DNA tests for anti congenital defect possibility, prior to breeding, and are negative. They are screened for FIP, Felv & FIV. Have received all shots, including rabies. Dewormed, spayed/neutered and microchipped. They come with a care package and 1 month free health insurance. They also come with a1 year health guaranteed and 3 year guarantee against HCM. The Sphynx are $2000, $200 non refundable to reserve your kitten. deposits go toward purchase price of kittens. We are located 1/2 hour south of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, Canton, Ohio. Will meet within 100 miles, no additional charge. Farther is negotiable. Sales in continental US only. In person delivery only.View Detail
Sphynx/ Bambino kittens available
Tusc T Sphynx LLC, is a TICA registered cattery in New Philadelphia, Ohio. Our adults are HCM scanned yearly and are negative. DNA testing is also done on adults to insure they ate free of congenital abnormalities. Kittens come with all recommended shots including rabies. They are spayed/neuered & microchipped. 1 year guarantee against congenital health problems and 3 year gurantee against HCM. They come with 1 month health insurance, and a care package. Sphynx are $2000, Bambinos $2500. $200 non refundable deposit to hold kitten of choice.View Detail
Sphynx & Bambino ready 10/25/23
Sphynx & Bambino litter born 6/14/23. 1 female Sphynx &1 male $2000 ea. Discount for 2 or more. 1 female &1 male Bambino $2500. Parents HCM negative. DNA genetic abnormalities negative. test for Felv, FIP, FLV. Kittens come spayed/neutered, microchipped, all shots, including rabies 1 year health &3 yr negative HCM guarantee. Vet records available. $200 to reserve, non refundable deposit.View Detail