Recently Adopted St. Bernard Puppies Near Banks County
Gorgeous St. Pyr Puppies
These beautiful puppies were born March 6, 2020. They will be ready to find their forever homes on May 1, 2020. Males and females available. Sire is AKC registered St. Bernard, Damme is AKC registered Great Pyrenees. Puppies will have had vaccination, deworming, dewclaws removed, and Vet checked. They come with Canine record, references available.View Detail
Gorgeous Saint Pyrenees Puppies
Beautiful St. Pyr puppies born Jan 20th. Ready for forever homes on March 18th. They will have had dewclaws removed, first 2 sets of shots with DAPP/CV at 6 and 8 weeks and wormed with Nemex at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. They will be Vet checked and have Canine Record also. All 3 are females. Delivery available for an extra charge.View Detail