Recently Adopted Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppies Near Chula Vista
Female Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Nala is 5 months old and weighs 20 lbs. she is up to date on all of her shots and healthy as can be. I’m currently in the military and don’t have the sufficient time to take care of her as I properly should. Want to give her the best life and live happily.View Detail
Stafordshire terrier
They are one month and 2 weeks they are dewormed parents are 100 percent staffordshire bull terrierView Detail
Blue noise bitbull puppy
I can't keep. I bought him and I work all the time and he is by him self most of the time. I payed $1000 for him. And am asking $500 he is 2 months old. Text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail