Recently Adopted Standard Poodle Puppies Near Elk
Brindle Poodles
delivery to Seattle area November 10-11. The puppies in this litter are from AKC Registered parents and can also be registered with the AKC. They are born In our home and raised with our children, ours dogs and other animals. We are with them from the start and do everything we can to prepare them to be healthy happy members of your family. We do early Neurological Stimulation and Early Scent Introduction. we start trimming their nails when they are a few days old and continue every week while we have them. We start weekly grooming at 3 weeks, including baths, blow dry, and start shaving faces, feet and tails at 4 weeks. They were introduced to our kittens and baby bunnies at 4 weeks and several times as they have grown. We have 3 puppies from the same parents that are excelling in service training and 1 that is a service dog doing tasks such as seizure alert, Deep pressure therapy, rate alert and mobility support.View Detail