Recently Adopted Standard Poodle Puppies Near Waukesha County
Blue Merle Standard Poodle
Smaller male Blue Merle Standard Poodle puppy born on 4/04/2022. He has all his shots including rabies, and is on heartworm, flea & tick medication. He has one testicle that hasn't dropped yet so he is being discounted for any extra cost when he's neutered. He's really a special dog and smart as a whistle.View Detail
Brown Dopple Standard Poodle
Brown Dopple Male Standard Poodle born 4/04/2022. He has all his shots including rabies, and is on heartworm, flea & tick medication. He is stunning to look at and very graceful & smart.View Detail
Blue Merle Standard Poodle
Stunning female Blue Merle Standard Poodle. Born 4/04/2022. She has all her shots including rabies and is on heartworm, flea & tick medication. She's very active & loving and would be an outstanding addition to any family.View Detail
Really Special Puppies
We are not a breeder. Our dog is an Apricot female which we bred with a Merle male for a one time litter. The puppies were born on 4/04/2022 and are ready for re-homing. They are current on their shots and worming and are used to being handled and we have also started paper training and they are catching on.View Detail