Recently Adopted Standard Poodle Puppies Near Jacksonville
Standard Poodle Puppies
Six female standard poodles for sale. Need gone to good homes as soon as possible. We have chocolate and black left. Willing to let them go for $500 as they were an accidental litter.View Detail
Full blooded Standard poodle female
Full blooded standard poodle. She turned 6 months old on June 1, 2022. She is a very loving and very much a people person. She loves getting lovings. She is almost house broke. She will use pee pads when indoors if you miss taking her out or if you are away at work. She also knows many commands. Sit, off, down, shake, on your bed, inside, outside, go potty. She knows her name Luna. She still needs to remain focused when others are around and still listen to commands. So that is still working. She loves treats and toys. She loves to play and also likes to chill with you when watching tv. She has been boarded for a week while on vacation and had fun playing with other dogs. She has all of her shots including rabies and boarding one. She has had her heart worm test which was negative and she has had her tail, ears and declaws already done. She has had her first puppy poodle cut. She is also getting a lot better with leash. I went back to college full time on top of working full time and my son doesn’t help with her so therefore I am looking for a LOViNG home where she will get toms of attention and love. She will come with a brand new bag of food that’s about 30-40 pounds and costs about $65 she will also come with her Kong bed, toys and food bowls. Pick up and meet is in Jacksonville Arkansas. She has also been taking monthly heart worms preventative and flea and tick preventatives. She will come with a few harnesses and a couple leashes.View Detail